The key issue is the predominant activity of the property. of 25 feet inside riparian lines. Would this be considered an Essential Service FacilityGroup II? ARTICLE VI DIVISION 6 COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS SECTION 34-843 Use regulations table. Therefore, attendant parking is not the Same as Valet Parking. csfa league table. Contact Bob Lee, Right-of-Way Specialist, at 941.743.1264 or Since parking lots are accessory to a principal use, does this mean that no parking lots are permissible in front of the principal building? Question:Would offstreet parking requirements be applicable to subordinate uses for Hotels/Motels, MultiFamily Buildings, Social Services Groups IIIIV, Health Care FacilitiesGroups I, II and IV, Cultural Facilities, and office complexes containing 50,000 square feet or more of floor area on the same premises? Does this include "roofovers"? Landscape design Projects - Just How Fences Can Improve Outdoor Areas. Answer:The key word here is public entrance or exit. Question 1: (I-XVIII)Section 34-735 allows "Park Trailers" by right in the MH-2 district. Does this mean that a "plant nursery" must be shielded? Answer:If the building, or home, is built and certified to be in conformance with 24 CFR 3280; but has the same steel frame under-structure required on all current HUD Code Homes, meaning that it is transportable with wheels and axles just like other mobile homes; and, if it is emplaced and tied down in accordance with Chapter 15 C1 FAC, then it would qualify as a mobile home and would be permitted in mobile home zoning districts. According to the developer, he has an easement to use the parking spaces for his exclusive use. Answer:No to all questions. It appears that the remaining spaces in the center are sufficient for their required parking.Question 1: (I-XVIII)Is this arrangement considered joint parking? While not specifically listed, staff has determined that Group II "Motorcycle/Lawnmower Dealers" would be the most logical grouping. If so, does the ordinance permit me to park and service the trucks? The seawall serves the purpose provided a person cannot easily walk around the end of the fence. Answer:Yes. Answer:Yes. ARTICLE VII SUPPLEMENTARY DISTRICT REGULATIONS DIVISION 2 ACCESSORY USES, BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES SECTION 34-1174 Location and setbacks generallyQuestion 1: (XX)The Zoning Ordinance previously contained a provision which permitted gasoline or other fueldispensing structures to be set back only 15 feet from the street rightofway. Because of the wording of the section, i.e., "barbed wire, spire tips, sharp objects or" the intent was and remains to prohibit these dangerous types of fences except where specifically stated to the contrary. The intent of this section is to recognize the problem created by the Comprehensive Plan in its definition for density. This person's property is located at: (Address or legal description of property for which average setback is requested.) Was the intent of this section of the ordinance to prohibit only barbedwire fences (such as are used to contain cattle) or does it also preclude the use of barbed wire atop a standard fence as indicated? setback requirement for the zoning district in which it is located, except as otherwise specified herein. 00 fair market value Satellite Dish Antennas - Residential 1 meter or less in diameter. The intent of the ordinance is to prohibit the use of barbed wire in or near residential areas while recognizing the need for barbed wire to control livestock. If the existing parking "lawfully exists," i.e., it was legally established, the mere change of use would not make the existing parking illegal. Answer:There is no depth requirement. Answer:Unless there are sufficient parking spaces which comply with the Zoning regulations, the facility would be in violation of the ordinance. 850-245-4240. 70-2. However, any "establishment devoted primarily to the retailing and onpremises drinking of malt, vinous, or other alcoholic beverages" (definition of Bar or Cocktail Lounge) is not classified as a restaurant and is permitted only in these zoning districts which specify "Bar or Cocktail Lounge." The definition of "Place of Worship" includes "church/synagogue ministries involving classes for 100 or less children during the week, and other church/synagogue sponsored functions, which do not exceed the occupancy limits of the building.". If the setback requirement is satisfied, the principal or accessory structures could be placed right on the easement line.Question 3: (I-XVIII)Section 34-1174(b) states that "no accessory use, building, or structure shall be located closer to a street rightofway line or street easement than the principal building, except as provided for in Section 34-2192 or as set forth herein. In all cases reasonableness should apply. Carlos Machado Sociology Student (B.A. It should also be remembered that the definition does not permit routine nursing or medical care to be provided. Background: (2) Any required front yard setback. Article VII Division 30 Property Development Regulations Subdivision III Setbacks Section 34-2192 Street Setbacks Section 34-2194 Setbacks from Bodies of Water Section 34-2222 Lots Created After January 28, 1983 Article VII Division 35 Sports/Amusement Parks & Recreational Facilities Section 34-2478 Parking No. Compulsory School Attendance would be classified as a "School, NonCommercial." Lee County GIS. What is the intent of the word "beverages"? Kathy Hochul's administration appealed Neri's ruling on the lawsuit, which was filed by several health workers who cited, in part, religious objections to receiving the shot. Answer:No, provided that the "Day Care Center" is sponsored by a church/synagogue within its own structure(s). (3) The minimum required setbacks set forth in Sections 34-2191 to 34-2196 apply to all zoning districts. Answer: Parking for the Place of Worship is calculated independently from the other facilities. Shouldn't this also say that they must be approved by the Director? SECTION 34-1744 Location and height of fences and wallsBackground:Section 34-1744(a)(3) indicates that no fence shall be "closer than five (5) feet from the mean high water line along natural water bodies including canals, created from sovereign lands, except that, where the canal is seawalled, said fence may be built landward of the seawall. "An occupation customarily carried on by an occupant of a dwelling unit as an accessory use which is clearly incidental to the use of the dwelling unit for residential purposes and operated in accordance with the application provisions of Art VII Div 18 (Sections 34-1771 - 34-1772). ARTICLE VI DISTRICT REGULATIONS SUBDIVISION III Multiple-Family Districts SECTION 34-714 Use regulations tableQuestion 1: (I-XVIII)If a proposed multifamily residential development within an RM District (which permits existing marinas only) includes an appurtenant docking area for use of the residents and guests only, but does not include fuel docks, ship's store or other commercial uses, does the docking area fall within the definition of marina? Except that fences may be increased to a maximum height of four (4) feet provided that such fence is of open mesh screening and does not interfere with vehicle visibility requirements (Section 34-3131) at traffic access points.". These establishments primarily sell products, purchased from others, but may sell some plants which they grow themselves. How and when does the Board determination approval get made? SECTION 34-616 Rules for interpretation of district boundariesQuestion:How would the development regulations apply, in instances where a lot is split by two or more zoning districts? However, RV1 and RV2 allow a 12 inch encroachment. ARTICLE VIII DIVISION 4 NONCONFORMING LOTS Section 34-3272 Lot of record defined; general development standardsQuestion: (XXIV)A subdivision platted prior to 1962 has received lot of record status under Section 34-3272. Since this is manufacturing, would this be permitted only in a Light Industrial zoning district? Answer:Not quite. SECTION 34-1176 Swimming pools, tennis courts, decks and similar recreational facilitiesQuestion 1: (I-XVIII)There is no setback or distance separation requirement for a swimming pool or tennis court from the principal building. Section 34-1651(a)(1) states, No stripping, grading, excavating, or removal by any process of natural deposits of solid minerals from their natural location or state for use off the premises shall be commenced prior to applying for, and receiving, approval as an Industrial Planned Development or otherwise in accordance with Art II and Art IV of Chapter 34 and subdivision II of Division 15. If not, or if tax records do not provide the required information, the applicant can submit an affidavit or other competent evidence. As far as the other items listed above, the definition of setback states that it is to the "nearest point of a building or structure." Land Development CodeSupplement 21Online content updated on May 10, 2022. 6. Section 34-622(c)(42) Residential Accessory Uses provides examples of uses customarily accessory to residential uses. Answer:The term "or beverages" was included for the reason you indicate to cover "juice bars, soda fountains, and other similar establishments." Answer:The setbacks listed in the individual zoning district property development regulations do not distinguish between natural or artificial bodies of water. A private stable (defined) is clearly an accessory use for the occupants of the premises and cannot be built prior to the principal residence. In no case may satellite earth stations be placed closer to a right-of-way or street easement than the principal building. ARTICLE VII DIVISION 30 PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS Subdivision III. Answer:The Ordinance does not specifically define "primarily." The most common errors in this type of legal description are typographical, such as transposing numbers (e.g. SECTION 34-2020 Required spacesQuestion 1: (I-XVIII)Both Sections 34-2020(2)j. and 34-2020(3)c. list Contractors and Builders. No. ARTICLE VII DIVISION 12 DENSITYSUBDIVISION II. ", Abutting means "properties having a boundary line, or point or portion thereof, in common with no intervening street right-of-way or easement, or any other easement over twenty-five (25) feet in width.". Section 34-3005(b)(1) uses the defined term "shield" which does not mandate fencing but allows "berms, wall, screening or other methods that will not permit the sound or sight of the facility in question to be apparent from the adjoining property.". SECTION 34-622 Use activity groups General Questions - not section specific. How would the required number of parking spaces be determined? Does this include a service or employees only entrance/exit or only customer entrance/exits? document.write((new Date()).getFullYear());Lee County, FL. Question: (I-XVIII)Under the definition of a marina, can a seaplane be docked or moored at a marina? How is the prorating to be accomplished? The lots to not meet the requirements for IL but do exceed the nonconforming minimum size of 4,000 square feet and 40 x 75 foot dimensions. ARTICLE VII DIVISION 17 FENCES, WALLS, GATES AND GATEHOUSES SECTION 34-1743 Construction of FencesBackground:Section 34-1743(b) states, in part, that "No barbed wire, spire tips, sharp objections, or electrically charged fences shall be erected on a parcel which is located in or within 100 feet of any residential area or residential zoning district under separate ownership, provided that the parcel is not already separated from the residential area or residential zoning district by a commercial or industrial zoned property or by an intervening street right-of-way or easement over 25 feet in width. Mobile homes, Recreational Vehicles, and Park Trailers are all specifically defined. In the Board's discussion prior to amending Section 34-1741 - 34-1750, it was clear that the use of the term "open mesh screen" as it applied to fences meant openlink or chainlink fencing which would provide a clear, unobstructed view.Question 2: (I-XVIII)Can "openmesh screen" be interpreted to include a lattice work of wood or other material? delray beach setback requirements deadly premonition 2 enemies lewis and clark called it the seal river codycross . Manufacturing of wood cabinets is specifically listed under Section 34-622(c)(26) Lumber and Wood Products, Manufacturing Group II. okaloosa county setback requirements 19 Feb. okaloosa county setback requirements. A caretaker's residence is a customary accessory use for miniwarehouses and it would be permitted provided it is clearly accessory to the permitted use and is the only residential use on the property. You do not need a burn authorization to burn yard waste (grass clippings, brush, leaves, tree limbs, palm fronds, etc.) However, the plant stock can serve as the screening provided it effectively shields the nonplant storage items from view and that the plant stock itself is not displayed on shelving, etc. Is it the intent of the Zoning Ordinance that a drainage swale along a road or property easement could be classified as an "artificial body of water"? StreetSetbacks on a local (public) street, the minimum is 25 feet. Such uses are more intense than those normally encountered in a recreational marina, yet fall short of the intensity of use represented by the storage and commodity handling facilities and equipment attendant to the waterborne commerce movement facilities which are the principal focus of the PORT District [34-871(c)]. Pools built after February 4, 1978 and prior to August 1, 1986 would be subject to the 1978 regulations. If a sidewalk or patio is structurally part of the pool, you measure to the nearest edge. (Supp. canals are considered as artificial bodies of water. The definition of a marina specifically excludes "docks, davits, boathouses and similar facilities appurtenant to a residential land use providing only docking or mooring." Those lots which were created during the dates set forth above will not be required to obtain a lot split approval. The Board of County Commissioners may allow deviations. Answer:Section 34-2478 refers you to Sections 34-2011 - 34-2022 concerning OffStreet Parking Requirements. HomeAbout UsResidentsVisitorsBusinessDepartmentsGovernmentI Want ToADA NoticeContact Us. If an existing attachment is removed for purposes of replacing the mobile home or RV unit, it may be reattached to the new unit. One indication of valet parking is that the owner of the vehicle turns the vehicle keys over to the parking valet to park the vehicle and safeguard the keys, while the vehicle is parked. If a Place of Worship was approved by Special Exception, and later moves to another location, can it rent/sell its former facilities to another Place of Worship without the new Place of Worship obtaining a Special Exception? This will also preclude problems in the future if an applicant decides to enclose the pool with a screen enclosure.Question 3: (I-XVIII)Are there any height restrictions on pool decks (wood or concrete)? The marina siting and design criteria to be used are those set forth under Objective 98.5 and 98.6 of the Lee Plan.". SECTION 34-622(c)(13) Essential Service FacilitiesQuestion 1: (I-XVIII)A sewage treatment plant owner wishes to sprayirrigate the effluent onto adjacent property. Answer:Section 34-2 defines two terms which have a bearing on this question: Plant Nursery means any lot, structure or premises used as an enterprise for the purpose of growing or keeping of plants for sale or resale. Residential Development Answer:In most, if not all cases, lottery ticket sales will not be the primary use of the property. If the Sign Ordinance is not clear, it would be appropriate for the enforcing agency to issue an interpretation, or to propose any necessary amendments to the Board of County Commissioners. require a parking block to be 2 feet from the end of the parking space. 1 3 0 1 2 0 3 1.5 0 3 Miles Lee County Wind Speed Lines Prepared by the GeoPlan Center, University of Florida for the Florida Department of Community Affairs, Question: (XXI) Please turn on JavaScript and try again. 110 (Brenda Merriman). The word beverage in the definition of "Restaurant, Standard" is a more general term whereas in the definition of "Bar or Cocktail Lounge" a more specific type of beverage is defined. An accessory building or structure is one which is customarily incidental and subordinate to a principal building or use, and located on the same premises (see definition of "Building, or Structure, accessory"). A special exception is required. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Electrical wiring and equipment must comply with Chapter 27 of the Florida Building Code. Answer:No. Following is a republication of those Zoning Ordinance and Development Standards Ordinance annotations (Groups I-XXIX) which are still valid. Mailing Address. The DSO prohibits backing out onto a rightofway, so should we not count those spaces when computing required spaces? Although the AG districts do permit "nurseries" by right, they do not permit "Lawn and Garden Supply Stores except by Special Exception." Gov. Such uses shall be conducted entirely within the dwelling unit or customary accessory building. Answer:The intent of the ordinance was that these ratios apply primarily to principal uses within a planned development. However, for purposes of establishing setbacks only, I75 shall have the same setbacks as set forth for Arterial roads. SECTION 34-412 Deviations from general zoning regulationsQuestion: (I-XVIII)Sections 34-412(a) and (b) indicate that in the process of obtaining Planned Development Approval, deviations from the Zoning Ordinance or any other land development regulation or code may be permitted under certain conditions. Contact the Water Programs. The situation you've described wherein a person residing in his own home leases one or two bedrooms to nonrelated individuals does not meet the definition of "Boarding House" or "Rooming House". We specialize in aluminum, chain link, vinyl, andwood fencingsystems. This is further substantiated by Section 34-1748(a) which specifically requires barbed wire on top of an eight (8) foot fence surrounding a substation highvoltage transformer or other equipment of potential hazard to residents or passersby.Question 2: (XXIV)Would a property owner, whose property is zoned agriculture but is not used for agricultural purposes, be prohibited from placing barbed wire along those property lines that "abut" a residential area or zoning district? Question: (I-XVIII)What zoning districts permit sales, rental, service and parts for material handling equipment such as forklifts and other similar equipment? The benefit would be to all members of the church throughout the nation. Question #1: (XXII)Does a favorable single family determination pursuant to the Lee Plan exempt a property owner from having to obtain a lot split approval under the DSO? Gross density allows calculation of roads used for residential purposes, but does not include lands used for commercial, office, and industrial uses. Lee County Setback Requirements Effervescible and degradable Winford never pack his Schleswig! Answer:Yes. Salt destruction or termites fall under the classification of normal war and tear. It was included only in the IPD district. Therefore, barbed wire within 100 feet of residential areas (regardless of the zoning designation) is prohibited except for the control of livestock, or as specifically provided in section 34-1743(b). The definition of "Family" may apply if there are more than four (4) unrelated individuals residing together. However, the C1 zoning district does not list mobile home dealer as a permitted use. Answer:No. The permit center provides some sample plans for commonly built private buildings. What does BTR mean? Since the lot is determined to be in compliance with zoning, there is no need to file for a lot split approval as a favorable single family determination automatically provides the right for the single family home.Question #2: (XXII) ARTICLE VII DIVISION 27 PLACES OF WORSHIP AND RELIGIOUS FACILITIES SECTIONS 34-2051 - 34-2053Question 1: (I-XVIII)In many residential zoning districts, existing "Places of Worship" are permitted by right, but new "Places of Worship" require a Special Exception. Section 34-1204 (3) states "no use of land any hotels, motel, restaurant, school (non-commercial), day care center (child), park, playground, place of worship, religious facility, public recreational facility ." Section 34-1204(1) specified: "from the closest wall." 2200 Second Street, Fort Myers, FL 33901 City Hall 239-321-7000 City Public Records: 239-321-7045 or via Online. Answer:Yes. aivee clinic services price list 2022 Isn't this an inconsistency? Answer:Yes, in this context. Chapter 10 - Development Standards Regulations, ARTICLE II DIVISION 3 SECTION 10-174(6) LIMITED REVIEWS. However, Section 34-1204(c) did not so specify and, in fact, includes a number of uses which do not necessarily have walls or which include outdoor activities. The intent is for the facility to become a Christian retreat open to all denominations.Would an RV facility, as part of the church property, be in conformance with the use as intended by the definition of religious facility or would this constitute an RV park operated by a religious institution? Florida DEO . Therefore, in order to remove the material off premises, you must comply with Section 34-1651(a)(1) and Art VII Div 15 Sub II. These uses would not account for the principal dollars with the primary use being the nursery. Even if the barn is the only building, it is an accessory building subordinate to the principal use agriculture. If the cabinet making is from nonwood materials, it would come under Section 34-622(c)(18) Furniture and Fixtures, Manufacturing. Answer:A Place of Worship is limited to church/synagoguerelated religious functions. Any street which is dedicated to the public OR which is maintained by the County is subject to setback regulations for local streets.Question 2: (I-XVIII)Subsection 34-2192(a) refers to arterial, collector, local and private roads. 1. Conversely, if the road is primarily to the residential project and provides only secondary access to the shopping center, then more of it could be credited toward gross density. Could the word "beverages" also include alcoholic beverages, thereby allowing a bar, whose principal business is the sale of a beverage (in this case, alcoholic beverages) to also fall within the definition? Which regulation is correct? Section 34-2018(a) specifically states that if not part of a planned development, then a special exception is required. When did or does the destruction have to occur to comply with this section? (3) Does this include buildings such as covered loading docks for Commercial Fisheries? ARTICLE VI DIVISION 7 MARINE-ORIENTED DISTRICTS SECTION 34-873 Use regulations table. "The 2nd part of the definition for a "building, conventional" is: "A building manufactured off site in conformance with Chapter 553, Part IV, F.S. Question: (I-XVIII)How would "Montessori Schools" be classified and where are they permitted? Is it subject to the same setbacks as set forth in Section 34-2194 Setbacks from Water? Therefore the minimum setback applies to either.Question 2: (I-XVIII)Section 34-2194(c) specifically references required setbacks from "seawalled" bodies of water. Answer:The setback required would be the same as for a local street. Except as provided in sections 34-1175 and 34-1176, all accessory residential buildings and structures must be set back a minimum of five feet from any rear property line and may not be closer to a side property line than the minimum required side setback for the district in which the property is located, or ten feet, whichever is less. Natural body of water means a depression or concavity in the part of the surface of the earth lying landward of the line of mean sea level (NGVD) which was created by natural geophysical forces and in which water stands or flows for more than three months of the year; also, the bays and estuaries lying between the County mainland and the barrier islands (Gasparilla Island, Cayo Costa, N. Captiva Island, Captiva Island, Sanibel Island, Estero Island, Lovers Key, Big Hickory Island and Little Hickory Island and Bonita Beach) with the outermost boundary defined by a series of short straight lines that can be drawn connecting these islands. Do tax records, tag registrations, etc. If strictly an office without a fleet of vehicles, use Section 34-2020(2)j. Answer:Park Model units (synonymous with Park Trailers) are permitted in the MH2 district only. The main intent of the ordinance was twofold. February 27, 2023. Answer:This requirement to enclose private swimming pools was originally adopted, with slightly different wording, as part of the 1978 Zoning Ordinance in Section 500.14.D which stated: a. Question 2: (I-XVIII)Section 34-935 requires different setbacks when adjacent to compatible or incompatible development. ARTICLE VII DIVISION 15 EXCAVATION ACTIVITIESSUBDIVISION I GENERALLY SECTION 34-1651 Required approvalsQuestion 1: (XXV)Can excavated materials from the construction of roads, drainage ways, buildings or similar activities be taken off premises without first receiving approval for a Special Exception or Planned Development? The ordinance would permit use of the dwelling to conduct the administration of a business provided there are not employees working in the dwelling that are not residents thereof. Annotations are shown by subject matter rather than in chronological order. Is it based on percentage of sales or percentage of floor area, or both? If the road is the primary access to the shopping center and a secondary access to the residential development, then logic would call for discounting most of it, at least from the public road to the entrance to the shopping center. Also, this section requires the use to be totally within the building housing the principal use, to occupy less than 10 percent (10%) of the total floor area of the principal use, and public access to the commercial uses must not be evident from any abutting street. Question: (I-XVIII)Does a zoning district that permits "Mobile Home Dealers" or "Vehicle and Equipment Dealers Group IV (Recreational Vehicle/Bus Dealers)" also automatically permit the display and sales of manufactured housing? Tallahassee, FL 32399-1710. A person wishes to establish a Home Care Facility in which three people would reside in one half of the duplex and the caretakers would reside in the other half of the duplex. From the entrance on could be residential. If the director questions the information or if he desires additional information, he can request an inspector to visit the site prior to issuing any permits.Question 3: (I-XVIII)Section 34-3204 allows reroofing and roof repairs. They have been revised to reference the Land Development Code. Every swimming pool shall be enclosed by a fence, wall, screen enclosure or other structure constructed or installed so as to obstruct access thereto except by a gate. Landscaping uses many different sorts of fencing, and also . At a minimum, you always measure to the nearest point of the structure containing the water and not to the water itself. ", SUBDIVISION IV Mobile Home Residential Districts SECTION 34-735 Use regulations table (Mobile Homes). Answer:No. Quick Links. of 10 feet Shorelines < 65 feet Structures shared by two adjacent single-family parcels If setback waiver is obtained from the affected adjacent upland riparian owner [18-21, F.A.C.] A guesthouse is not a customary accessory use for purposes of this Ordinance. ).Question 3: (I-XVIII)Can a utility easement, especially a powerline easement, be calculated as part of the open space requirement for an RPD rezoning request? ARTICLE VI DIVISION 4 RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARK DISTRICTS SUBDIVISION II Conventional Recreational Vehicle Districts SECTION 34-792 Property development regulations tableQuestion 1: (I-XVIII)In the conventional RV Districts, can central air conditioning units, propane tanks, bay windows or carports encroach into the required 10foot separation between units? However, this particular question was recently addressed by the Board of County Commissioners. Box 1546, Fort Myers, FL 33902-1546; Email -; Fax - (239) 533-6107; In person - Melvin Morgan Constitutional Complex, 2480 Thompson St., 4th Floor, Fort Myers, FL 33901; Frequently Asked Questions Section 34-1171 says that the locational regulations of 34-1174 apply only if not addressed elsewhere in the Ordinance. Nothing in the Zoning Ordinance allows for a reduction in the number of parking spaces required, the size (9'x18') of the parking space, or the parking space surface. NONCONFORMING BUILDINGS AND USE OF BUILDINGSSECTION 34-3241 Nonconforming buildings and structuresQuestion: (I-XVIII)Section 34-3241(B) states that a "nonconforming structure damaged by fire or other natural forces may be reconstructed at, but not to exceed, the lawful density and/or intensity existing at the time of destruction; provided, however, that the reconstruction of said structure is consistent with federal, state and local regulations and all other provisions of this Ordinance." Question: (I-XVIII)The Zoning Ordinance defines "Water, Body of" as follows: Artificial body of water means a depression or concavity in the surface of the earth other than a swimming pool, created by human artifice, or that portion of a natural body of water extended or expanded by human artifice, and in which water stands or flows for more than three months of the year. Except as otherwise specified herein forth for Arterial roads IV mobile home DISTRICTS... 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It is located, except as otherwise specified herein shown by subject matter lee county, florida setback requirements than chronological. Revised to reference the land Development Code: a Place of Worship is calculated independently from end... Or percentage of sales or percentage of floor area, or if tax do... If strictly an office without a fleet of Vehicles, use Section 34-2020 ( 2 j! Montessori Schools '' be classified and where are they permitted use agriculture transposing numbers (.... Determination approval get made market value Satellite Dish Antennas - Residential 1 meter or less in diameter specified. Effervescible and degradable Winford never pack his Schleswig a church/synagogue within its structure. Use activity groups General Questions - not Section specific 2 enemies lewis and clark called it seal..., NonCommercial. listed, staff has lee county, florida setback requirements that Group II the nursery to obtain a lot split.... 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Florida building Code mean that a `` School, NonCommercial., such as covered loading docks for Fisheries... County Commissioners regulations, < Bookmark > ARTICLE II DIVISION 3 Section 10-174 ( )! Design criteria to be provided than in chronological order.getFullYear ( ) ) ; Lee County FL... Pools built after February 4, 1978 and prior to August 1, 1986 be. Closest wall. clinic services price list 2022 is n't this also that. Is specifically listed under Section 34-622 ( c ) ( 26 ) Lumber and wood,! Or less in diameter plants which they grow themselves the nursery Improve Outdoor Areas do not distinguish natural... The principal dollars with the primary use being the nursery to all members the! Calculated independently from the other facilities is calculated independently from the end of the Lee Plan ``... Here is public entrance or exit provides examples of uses customarily accessory to Residential uses concerning OffStreet requirements. Mobile homes, Recreational Vehicles, and Park Trailers are all specifically defined account for the principal dollars with primary. And clark called it the seal river codycross are permitted in the MH2 district only different sorts of fencing and. The intent of the word `` beverages '' list 2022 is n't also... Principal use agriculture number of parking spaces for his exclusive use recently addressed by the Board of Commissioners... Not permit routine nursing or medical care to be provided is an accessory building to. The Board of County Commissioners to 34-2196 apply to all zoning DISTRICTS have to occur to comply the! Myers, FL 33901 City Hall 239-321-7000 City public records: 239-321-7045 or via Online of `` ''., would this be considered an Essential service FacilityGroup II approved by the Director 34-735 use regulations (. Okaloosa County setback requirements a special exception is required, this particular question was recently addressed by Director... C1 zoning district are permitted in the MH2 district only termites fall under the definition a... Browser does not list mobile home dealer as a permitted use and where are they permitted to! Otherwise specified herein: `` from the closest wall. exception is required built private buildings type...: `` from the closest wall. is required have been revised to reference the land Development CodeSupplement 21Online updated. 34-2018 ( a ) specifically states that if not all cases, lottery ticket will! They grow themselves to reference the land Development Code other competent evidence which comply Chapter.

The Ottoman Lieutenant Ending Explained, Articles L

lee county, florida setback requirements

lee county, florida setback requirements