Because DIC benefits are non-taxable, the net income is higher than if just SBP were received. Under a joint and survivor annuity, the benefit might be $1,300 a month while your spouse is alive. If the marriage at the time of retirement ends, and you subsequently remarry, there may be a way to change the amount of coverage for the subsequent spouse, but I dont have the details at my fingertips. Is it possible for me to request a refund of payments in this circumstance and if so how would I go about doing so. My husband passed away back in December2017 and learned he did not elect to take out SBP when he retired in 1993. If an employee dies with at least 18 months of creditable civilian service under FERS, a survivor annuity may be payable if: the surviving spouse was married to the deceased for at least nine months, or; the employee's death was accidental, or; there was a child born of the marriage to the employee. I am still planning to live past 100 . Sir, I have no desire to convince anyone to sign up for SBP. (Its just the premiums though, no interest for however many years thats been.). My husband died in 1994 and I have been receiving SBP since then. My husband divorced his now ex-wife while still active in the Military. Shouldnt I receive some kind of refund for the 360 payments he made to DFAS? My husband and I would have made another choice if we knew about the SBP/Offset ruling. You can not cover a spouse from one marriage and children from another marriage. My husband is paying about $270.00 in a month now. There is no cash value to SBP. Your SBP premium should automatically decrease once you dont have any eligible children. My husband (20 yr veteran) have been married 34 years. Im unaware of any other situation in which premiums are refunded. DFAS said that, because the benefit would henceforth be considered part of the ex-spouse's property, the benefit "expired" if the ex-spouse died. I understand that my disabled child will continue to be eligible, but will the pay in cost to SBP (just for my disabled child) continue to be calculated at the child rate or does the rate change for a disabled adult child? Do we have to be worried? It does not change the decision whether SBP is the right choice for your family. I cant even pick which one is bigger. In that case, perhaps 3% would be appropriate, giving your survivors $30,000 of income each year from that life insurance policy. The cost for spouse-only SBP coverage is 6.5% of your base amount. I believe your Mom received some of the premiums they paid into SBP because she is receiving DIC. Thank you for addressing my two questions and thank you in advance for your response. I realize that SBP is taxable for Federal taxes, what I cant figure out is do I claim it on my taxes or do separate taxes for my son. First though they deduct taxes and then deduct any monthly SBP payments paid out while waiting for DIC to start. I wanted to repost this in hopes that Ms. Horrell might respond. This post may contain affiliate links, from which I may earn revenue to support this free site. Yes, thats the reasoning behind the offer. . Thanks. Mom received DIC after 3 years. spouse remarries prior to age 55, SBP payments will stop. The amount of SBP is offset, or reduced, by the amount of DIC received by the beneficiary. UnbeknownstUnknown to him and a number of other retirees, DFAS had changed its interpretation of the law in May2013and refused to allow him to transfer the benefit. pastorpete. Basic Employee Death Benefit Surviving Spouse. I hope you have a copy of the paperwork in which he elected SBP. I am a retiree and I have been making monthly SBP premium payments for Spouse/Child coverage since my retirement. If your parents were already divorced at the time your father retired, your mother would not have received any notification because it is not required for former spouses as they dont have any inherent rights to SBP coverage. You have had a total disability rating from the VA for at least 5 continuous years immediately following the last date of active duty. SBP is not a form of life insurance. As awful as it is to consider, you could be involved in a car accident or develop a completely unrelated medical condition during this time. Could you please email me at kate at My husband a veteran died 20 years ago. It would stop if/when your spouse dies. A request to withdraw from SBP coverage due to disability requires the written consent of the spouse or other beneficiary. Do you have any insight on either of these issues? I am unaware of any suicide-related qualifications for Survivor Benefit Plan payments. am going to give the synopsis of coverage here, because there are so many rules for each individual classification. The instructions for applying for SBP are on this page: Also, if your parents have any records from before his death, he should have been receiving Retiree Account Statements (RAS) that would show whether SBP premiums were being deducted. to be able to make me his beneficiary why is it so hard to change a beneficiary it is their money they pay into with and yet they cannot do a simple change, instead it goes into an account foe others. Its a little complicated, but you cant make a proper decision about SBP unless you understand this offset. I recently was awarded DIC and I am now Offset. It has been over 25 years since the former spouse left this country. Dont want her to cash check just to later go through hardship to pay it backDoes Does SBP work with dic before cutting check? Thank you so much for your answers. What would happen if they do not pay the 360 months? Will I get it back in a lump sum? 10+ Places To Learn About The Survivor Benefit Plan, The Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) Payback Period, From The Mailbag: Term Life Instead of SBP, From The Mailbag: SBP When You Marry After Retirement. Retired 2010 Like DIC, SBP is affected by Social Security when the surviving spouse turns 62. Hi Kate, Spouse/former spouse and child(ren) or child-only coverage are the only categories of beneficiary that can allow a retiree to designate more than one beneficiary at a time. You may find more helpful information in the SBP portion of this packet. Lisa, former spouses can be covered under SBP, but there is a process that needs to be followed. An SBP election only covers retired pay if the insured dies. 3 0 obj Coverage after retirement requires a cost-benefit analysis, decision, and the signing of the appropriate paperwork. Term life through the private sector comes with serious consumer protections. I have recently went through a divorce and have suspended my SBP coverage through DFAS. Other contributors to that bucket might include any other pensions from the spouses employment or the service members second career, income provided by TSP, 401(k)s or 403(b)s, life insurance or other annuities, Individual Retirement Arrangements, real estate, and other income-producing assets. Excuse my ignorance but my father recently passes away and had SBP. A surviving spouse can collect 100 percent of the late spouse's benefit if the survivor has reached full retirement age, but the amount will be lower if the deceased spouse claimed benefits before he or she reached full retirement age. can you answer this question for a follow vet? My mother never received notice of her entitlement for RCSBP (could be they sent notice to an old address) and never knew she was entitled to it and neither did I until I read about it online recently. Have I a leg to stand on at all? SBP premiums are only refunded if the survivor is subject to the SBP-DIC offset. Im not sure he knew to do that. Any suggestions on what I can provide them? I am the current spouse and began receiving the survivor annuity. Kate, Just received word on this issue. Even though this post is over 2,000 words long, I still havent covered all the nuances of special situations. I always explained to the retiree and spouse to not look at SBP as another insurance policy but a continuation of your military retirement being paid to a beneficiary. Retired in 1978 and died in 2021. In this case, the full amount of SBP premiums will be refunded to his survivor, but they will also be eligible for a $310 Special Survivor Indemnity Allowance (SSIA). Depending on the contract, the annuity may pay 100 percent of the payments upon the death of the first annuitant or a lower percentage typically 50 or 75 percent. Uniformed Services Former Spouses' Protection Act and Survivor Benefit Plan (PPCPUB 5825) decline SBP coverage for the new spouse and any future spouse; increase SBP coverage if the previous SBP election was for reduced spouse coverage; or resume previous spouse SBP coverage. In his case, that $310 SSIA alone is greater than the SBP benefit his survivor would have received otherwise,plus they will receive tax-free DIC on top. Thanks so much. Military pay, including active duty pay and allowances and retired pay, stops upon a Soldier's death. My dad retired after 34 years as a Chief Master and I thought if I could get her the DIC it would help her but so confused. With regard to the new wife, if you have been married less than a year, it might be worth getting caught up with the payments (if they will let you) and adding coverage for her. SBP is for when the survivor lives a lot longer than you planned.. Im retired military. FERS - To elect a full 50% survivor annuity for your spouse your annuity will be decreased by 10%. Or is the annuity canceled? Everything About The Survivor Benefit Plan, Life Insurance or SBP? Wow, Sherry, you have a lot of different issues going on here: the first wife, the unpaid SBP bill, and the possibility of withdrawing. You didnt actually answer her question. If married, the spouse is required to agree with the service members SBP choice to elect anything less than full SBP. Due to COLA, the actual payback period is significantly less than 3 years (exact time will vary depending on the various COLA during any individual timeframe. This information remains here for those transition years and for reference. 2.5% of the first $635 ($15.88), plus 10% of the remaining covered amount. One of the biggest misconceptions out there may be the belief that little needs to be done and the vast majority of the work . Term life pays a one-time benefit. If the coverage is voluntary, then the retiree has to inform DFAS of his or her intent to provide coverage to the former spouse. If he elected his former spouse at retirement, and they then divorced and he did not elect former spouse coverage and she did not submit the necessary paperwork, then he would have been SBP-less until he remarried and then informed DFAS to add his new spouse to the coverage. 2-Spouse & Child(ren): Under this election, the Does the requirement for SBP to be paid in full 360 payments and reaching age 70 apply to all ages?. Its not a hit on my credit. At the time of retirement, we were sitting with the retirement officer and she explained our SBP as him only having to pay into it for 5 years instead of 10 years due to him being 100% at time of retirement. Im 50% from the Marine Corps. However I learned today (4/25/19) from the lady from DFAS is back in 1972 when he was married to his ex wife later divorced in early 1973 then we married in 1976 but in 1972 she saw my husband signed a form saying he wanted nothing to do with SBP and when he retired in 1993 he was never given a new form to take out SBP for myself and my husband nor myself even knew to ask since they never mentioned one word to us (yes I understand now we should have known but at the time everything is already so stressful we never gave it one thought). Added to this difficult time often is the additional stress of not fully understanding what should or should not be done with your significant other's estate. If your beneficiary was your spouse, and you remarry, you may add a new spouse to your SBP within one year of remarriage. Contact them and explain that you made an election upon your husbands death but have never received the SBP payment. Steven, not that I know of. This certainly is a unique situation. Thank you for your help. It is my understanding this must be filed within one year of the divorce in order to officially initiate the SBP coverage for the former spouse. Unsubscribe at any time. They informed me he was paying into SBP with an invalid beneficiary from 2007 to 2018. If you are not looking for inflation-adjusted, lifetime income for a beneficiary, then SBP is probably not the right tool for your retirement planning needs. I have put hours into researching for an answer to this question and finally came across your site. Have you reached out to DFAS for the answer to this question? My suspicion is that spousal consent came into effect after 1982, but I am not sure and Im surprisingly having a hard tie pinning down the date. He is fighting the SBP situation because he paid the full amount and now has been fighting for 6 yrs. Thatnew interpretation affected situations in which SBP was awarded to an ex-spouse as part of adivorce settlement. (And remarkably cheaply, at that.) Kate, My mother in law past away and Dad came to live with me. Thank you for your time. Every retiring service member with an eligible spouse or child is automatically enrolled in the Survivor Benefit Plan at the maximum level. This wild assumption sounds like advice from a 4 year old. My question is: Kate, Im about to medically retire and have no dependents or former spouse. Arnold, SBP coverage is effective immediately the first day after retirement. I had not heard from DFAS for over a year. I read through the comment section. The number for Casualty Affairs Headquarters for your husbands branch of service can be found on Google. Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) is a tax-free monetary benefit payable to eligible survivors of certain Veterans. In April, a DFAS official told Military Times that the agency had drafted potential legislation and provided a copy to defense personnel officials. I elected SBP when I retired in 1977 and am now 82 years of age. Kathrine, Im so sorry for your loss. I would not waste one nickel on an DFAS SBP. Wed really appreciate it if you could find out how taxes are withheld on the refund. But Im afraid she will now be in debt with the 20,000. On it states the following: Keep in mind that this premium is paid pre-tax, so the net effective cost is lower. What is DFAS currently saying about the situation? If you have children, child SBP is almost a no-brainer. I can not emphasize enough how vitally important it is to thoroughly understand the Survivor Benefit Plan if a member of your family will remain in the military until retirement. If it was not paid to you automatically when it was determined that your SBP would be offset by DIC, then Im thinking the next step would be to contact DFAS through one of these methods. Let me make sure I am understanding your situation correctly: When you retired, you elected child only coverage for SBP, but youve never made any payments? As a general rule, High-36 pension payments to former military spouses terminate if the former spouse remarries. SBP premiums are deducted from retired military pay pre-tax, which reduces the overall cost of the premiums. A surviving spouse or child may receive a special lump-sum death payment of $255 if they meet certain requirements. Great question. For many military families, full SBP coverage is the right choice. My youngest attends college full time and will turn 22 in 2 months(december). My husband is paying for 7yrs SBP, he is 61 yrs old, I was worried if he cant paid 360 months. I was told that my Father had not informed DFAS of my Mothers passing in 2006 as he was suppose to do. Which one will be off-set, and how? However, I am not a lawyer, nor do I know of every unusual interpretation of the law. As discussed in a. I read your post with interest and have a question for you. Mr. Mann, you can continue your SBP coverage by electing to have the SBP premiums deducted from your VA disability compensation or by paying the premiums directly. What am I missing? How long did yours take to receive? The new provision, which took effect on Nov. 25, fixes that problem for future retirees. 2. Hi Kate. He was 90 years old and his wife, my mother died a few years before he did. I think this benefit sounds good but is paying for 2 different policies common? tkOkin**k!rJJ2gtR3_y!im x/G06:wzXqhkfy$#3Ndb'TG)yE}O!UTI,o^'8*d4N'R|\$] @A4Dx%FK6rKPm.%k cQDeS ihYey5,a$p[%J-~SRr. Frankly, I think he may have been unaware. This is one of the biggest shams of SBP that no one wants to admit. An incapacitated or disabled child is defined as a child who is incapable of self-support because of a physical or mental disability that existed before the 18th birthday or which was incurred before age 22 while the child was pursuing a full-time course of study. Please nag me if I fail to get back with you. Retired since 1988. Now if you have already been receiving the DIC payments, youre only going to receive one of the benefits fully unless you elect child only, advisable if your kids are still young but know that it ends after college. Recently I applied to have the VA disability increased from 60% to 100%, which was approved. I am sorry to hear about your wifes condition. Your email address will not be published. Any info you can provide would be helpful. Is there anyway that I can lose my SBP/DIC? Am I still required to pay until I die or reach the paid-up status? I was deemed 100% P&T for one injury, but have many others die to combat. There was an error submitting your subscription. They were separated but not divorced. She had not had one of these cases before and decided to take it on. Check with the Internal Revenue Service or DFAS for more information. However, it may appear that I cannot received both, and that my military retirement pay will stop. It is wonderful. Cameron, if you pass before your wife, there are no more payments due for the SBP. She should formally apply for benefits from DFAS using the instructions at this page: Let me know what happens! The Comprehensive Military Retirement Checklist, additional amounts for dependent children or special circumstances. Im not sure if the retirement officer told you the wrong information, or explained it in a way that was confusing. It is very important that retiring service members and their spouses understand all the aspects of SBP so that they can make the right election at the time of retirement. All my kids are over 18. If a recipient of SBP remarries, payments will stop. I will throw in a small note here about investments. But in other years, other risks might be larger. What if I die at 69? While Im not overly optimistic, your best bet would be to contact DFAS directly. I retired (medically) in 2013. What are the formulas used for calculating them? If the retiree was not married at the time of their former spouse's death, but later marries, the new spouse can still be listed as the SBP beneficiary. 2-Spouse & Child(ren): Under this election, the You might want to double check with an experienced tax advisor to ensure that was correct. That depends on your situation. When my husband found out that she would be eligible for SBP Benefits again, after her divorce from her second husband, he asked her for the divorce decree, but was just told that it is not of his business! SBP provides inflation-adjusted, lifetime coverage. Will they also reeimburse me for all my medical bills that I paid in the past? My husband was court ordered to enroll her in SBP. I have been paying SBP for 217 months. Kathryn, did you apply for SBP and it is being offset by DIC? Please keep me updated! Unfortunately, my mom passed away 6 months later. To the best of my knowledge, there is not a separate form to request the refund. The value in SBP is the inflation adjusted, lifetime guaranteed income. Now after doing so, I was told that this is a withdrawal time and that we basically would just lose everything we paid up to this point. I am so confused, please help. The withholding tax rate is 30 percent of the payable annuity. RCSBP Benefit Amount RCSBP pays designated annuitants 55 percent of your retired pay. Can my child recieved my SBP or just the X, You can designate child only SBP. I only promote companies that I love and trust. If the survivor is eligible for DIC, the amount of their SBP will be reduced by the amount of DIC that they receive. I am the kind of person who wants to understand and to have the answers when my husband asks me what these things mean. If so, where do we find the appropriate form? Phil Odom, deputy director of government relations for the Military Officers Association of America, said that DFAS had allowedSBP transfers after the death of a former spouse from the time SBP was created in 1972 until the agency changed its interpretation of the law more than 2 years ago. Yes, Sandy, you are covered under SBP immediately. My original plan was to never pay it. 2. Ms. Horrell This much be very difficult for you. If I elect to use one of my nieces or nephew as an Insurable Interest Beneficiary would I be able to change the coverage to a future spouse upon marriage? I doubt that youre going to have much luck at your neared USAF base, as most of the folks working there have only a basic level of understanding of the SBP program. She is 83 and must have someone with at all times. How do I prove he paid into SBP and get proof of who the beneficiary is? I also have my 2019 IRS 1099 form. Speak with a qualified military divorce attorney if you havequestions about military divorce. I do not know the answer, but I will do my best to find out! This post is also part of a larger series about the Survivor Benefit Plan. It allows for an extra payment each month that fills in some (or all) of amount that it is offset. You have not discussed how SBP is affected when the spouse begins to receive Social Security benefits. A few percentage points per year may not seem like much, but they add up quickly. Could it be that she did provide the divorce decree to DFAS and pays her own SBP premium? You can learn more about this program at However, there are many reasons why you might still want SBP even if youll get DIC. She previously worked for newspapers in Guam, Norfolk, Jacksonville, Fla., and Athens, Ga. Minot firings due to failed nuclear safety inspection, MCPON: Sailors need speedier, easier access to counseling, Hangmans nooses targeting sailor found aboard Norfolk-based destroyer, Tricare now covers new costly insulin device for Type 1 diabetics, Baby on-board? Youve stated that the purpose of the term life policy would be to pay off your mortgage, and that you already have $500,000 in equity in your house. Life insurance is a great tool for large, short-term expenses such as paying off debt, relocating, funding educational expenses, and giving the survivor a buffer to figure out how they are going to move forward. This was just the information I needed to make the best decision for my family. Thank you so much for your help. I read on the DFAS website that, in the event of direct deposit payments( I dont feel is classed as a deduction as they said) being missed , that the missed payments must be deducted from the total annuity, upon the annuitants claim therefore reducing the annuity amount by the amount of missed payments. I did finally receive a check for the back payments that were taken out of his monthly retirement pay for the years that were within the statue of limitations. Secondly, there is no way out of the SBP after the 36 Month mark ? I had forgotten to consider the reciprocal tax treaty. Heres hoping you can clearify this (possibly) unusual situation for me. Everything Ive read says that if a court order pro dies for former spouse SBP the former spouse must file the appropriate deemed election paperwork within 1 year of date of divorce for it to be honored. I hope you are satisfied with the resolution. Thank you very much in advance. First is the ability of the beneficiary to manage the lump sum while dealing with grief. Now check your email to confirm your subscription. Do not want anything for X or for her to recieved anything from me. SPB was stopped once she remarried and my husband obtained her marriage license. Just be sure if you do marry or have a child that you make those changes within one year. He does pay into the sbp with the understanding i would get a portion of his retirement should he die. I dont completely understand what youre trying to accomplish. In addition to the regular 25th to 36th month option, you also may withdraw from SBP once you hit the 5 year/10 year milestone discussed above. I understand that you mean well, but trying to convince people to sign up for SBP is wrong. I cannot find anything online in MyPay to download and print. Did your husband inform DFAS of his new marriage and continue to elect his former spouse as beneficiaries even though he was married to you? Thank you for this article it is very informative. My child is the beneficiary, when my child turns 18 and not in college do I get to stop paying SBP payments? I will have been paying into the child only SBP for 15 years by then. Paid into SBP because she is receiving DIC contain affiliate links, which...: // still want SBP even if youll get DIC but my father passes. Had not heard from DFAS for more information make a proper decision about SBP unless understand. Each month that fills in some ( or all ) of amount that it is offset! Pay pre-tax, which was approved receiving DIC wed really appreciate it if you children! Have not discussed how SBP is almost a no-brainer Its a little complicated, they... She remarried and my husband passed away 6 months later decision, and the of... 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what happens to sbp if spouse dies first

what happens to sbp if spouse dies first