Really glad I watched it! Will someone else take over Cols drug ring, and what will Cols family do from here now that he is facing time for his crime? Lou then tells Ceri and Owen (Zak Ford-Williams) of her plan to confront Col, telling them to move away indefinitely until she has things sorted out. He also worked with Lous dad, a former detective, and shows her that her idolised view of him wasnt particularly accurate, and he was actually a bit of a vain tosser who took credit for other peoples work. As they sit and mull over their decision, waiting for the police to arrive, they sit in silence. Cer and Lou went out for a fancy dinner with the officer apologising to her partner for pushing them into this life together. Shazam! Still, Wei Lai keeps pondering in, making Chens life a living hell. Readers in the US are encouraged to visit or the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Vernon gave a full confession for Bulgeys death and was being held in a secure unit on account of his arm, which needed to be healed before he was allowed to mix with the rest of the prison population. Daisy Jones & The Six Review: A Kindergarteners Interpretation Of What Bands In The 70s Used To Be Like. The story falls back to Anqiao City, 2011, where students are preparing for their board exams. All rights Reserved. This is something Lou and Cer had not expected when the doctors spoke about recovery. Bulgey later takes matters into his own hands, breaking into the home of Vernon Marley a former bent copper who came clean and quit decades before. I will regularly update articles to recommend more Chinese dramas and movies :), Link: This now means that Noel will now be serving a much longer sentence, but has remained loyal to Col. Once Lou is informed of this, she breaks down and we later see her attend Vernon's funeral and be handed his personal belongings. Better sees Lou very messily attempt to extricate herself from the McHugh gang without putting her family at risk, while also trying to right her many wrongs, and decide if she can take her friends empire down with her. Col and Lou's longstanding friendship got shakier and shakier, before eventually collapsing ahead of the final episode. Chen Nian approaches the girl and they walk home together, followed closely by Xiao Bei. This meant Noels chances of getting out were looking very slim and the young man still in the thrall of the McHughs. Wei Lai seeks forgiveness from Chen, and Chen tries to forget the past events and move on. Well Go USA Entertainment But the moment of honesty strikes a nerve in him, and he can't bring himself to kill her. Zheng Ye visits Chen before she leaves for Beijing. Some people stay off There is no dearth of stories in this genre. She is suffering from bullying but doesnt have anyone to hold on to or speak to. Even though he is criticized for not killing her, Col stands his ground by letting Lou live. Pointing a gun at him, the pair stand off as they discuss the decisions that led them to that moment. After her classmate, Hu Xiaodie, commits suicide because of school bullying, Chen Nian finds herself the new victim of "queen bee" and vicious school bully Wei Lai and her friends. Jackson Yee is turning out to be an amazing actor. She had jumped off from the highest story of the school and committed suicide. Dont let anything affect you. Better recently started on the BBC with the entire series dropped in one go on the BBC iPlayer and some people binging their way through it. Of course, Bulgey broke into Vernon's home to enact a murderous revenge mission against Lou after being fired by Col. The Next 365 Days Plot Synopsis. Better has issues but is not so problematic for you to lose interest in it. Was blown away by the male lead's performance, only to read upon later that Jackson Yee was only 19 years old and it was his first movie?!!? Massimo is angry after the death of his brother and tells his rivals to leave. Col instructed Donal to take Owen to a remote lake while he confronted Lou (effectively taking him hostage without him realising it), and if she didnt cooperate, Donal was instructed to drown Owen in the lake. I give my 100% to everything I do. Better Days (Shaonian de ni) is available for Video-on-Demand. Lou even made some donations as they continued to give away money and stayed out of the case with the McHughs. I saw this movie a few months ago and it was amazing. Then the movie takes the views to a flash back scene where it is shown that Wei Lai is begging Chen Nian to not report the video event to the police. Urrgghhh I love Jackson Yee's work (mostly SDC and his music) and have procrastinated watching Better Days because I know I'll just be bawling the whole time. Without Sin Ending Explained: Who Killed Maisie Tomlinson? Shooting him to protect her, Vernon willingly takes the fall to keep her safe, even as his house burns down. The story is told in a flashback, and takes place close to the gaokao, a two-day national college entrance exam, when Jiu Yuexi and her classmates are preparing intently for an exam that nearly ten million high school students attend every year. At the facilities, they also find two Asian kids who were locked in, which also brings the human trafficking angle into Col and his drug ring. Press J to jump to the feed. The lad was a liability. Better Daysdeals with a very generic yet important issue, School Bullying. To be on the safe side, he burns his house down and confesses to the police. She rolls down the stairs and strikes a stone. Then they waited to hand themselves in with no one turning up for a while until finally someone came down to process them. Published: Tuesday, 14th February 2023 at 3:37 pm. The detective then reveals that he was lying to her to get her to admit to the crime because the sentence would be lighter for both of them. Ultimately, he got his wish, after he was instructed to shank poor Vernon to death as revenge for Bulgeys death. Of course, Bulgey broke into Vernon's home to Cheat Episodes 1, 2, 3 & 4: Review Do The Participants Win Through Lies, Truths, Manipulation, Or Pure Luck? She tries to become an adult, but a character on the verge of being transformed cant hold for long. Police detectives Zheng Ye and Lao Yang investigate Hu Xiaodies death, and while interviewing Wei Lai, make it known that Chen Nian has reported being bullied by Wei Lai. Molly and Deb at the Detox Center. The thoughts cloud Chens sensibility, and Chen pushes Wei Lai. Col was gardening in the middle of the pouring rain as he dealt with his grief. She asked Col not to hurt her family as she handed over the gun to him. The movie definitely stayed with me for a few days and made me think. This is where Cols henchman Peter Bulgey comes by Vernons home to kill Lou, but Vernon accidentally ends up killing Bulgey. If youre looking for something else to watch in the meantime, check out our TV Guide or Streaming Guide visit our dedicated Drama hub. Seems like he's trying to be better too. Lou was panicking herself and trying to keep her cool, knowing she could go down if it all came out. Chen Nian is escorted by the police to return and finish the exam the next day. After the first day of the two-day college entrance exam, the police bring Chen Nian in for questioning as the main suspect for Wei Lais murder. A final scene was shown, Chen Nian was shown a teacher who a child who looks distressed. All she wanted to do was deliver a kebab to her cousin Noel, but while shes there, his safe house got raided by the police and he took her hostage. The second is Eventually, Vernon was back in the general prison population and seemed to be happy but there was foreshadowing of something bad to come. Meanwhile, Chen Nian meets a street thug, Liu Beishan (aka Xiao Bei). What Happens To Otto? The menace reached his home, and Lou and Col blazing life truths at each other led to Col deciding to let her go from the syndicate if she stayed away from any investigation done on him from here on. There are glimmers of hope in the recovery process. But Lou was struggling with the guilt and was told she had to live with it by Ceri, but he also said she was in the right line of work if she wanted to make amends for the past. Cols being in denial about it will not help him either. All Images property of their respective owners. Yes, Cols concern for Lous family is real, but this felt like a combination of a loophole and suspension of disbelief to move the narrative forward. The first flashback takes us to the Season 5 episode "Bagman," when Jimmy and Mike face a harrowing two days in Chen Nian also sees a teenage thug, Liu Beishan, aka "Xiao Bei", being beaten in the streets by rival thugs. A member of the police department, used to have a negative opinion on Chen Nian, later accepting Zheng Yes opinion. Vernon is interrogated and sent behind bars, only for him to be attacked by Noel on the orders of Col. Vernon, unfortunately, dies on the way to the hospital. The last is Thomas Ajazi, a drug dealer found dead in a pub, who we later learn was killed by Cols boys for dealing gear in McHugh territory. Station 19 Season 6 Episode 9: Release Date, Spoilers & Where To Watch. Maybe it is the police officer who has come to take their confession or someone from Cols syndicate to put some sense into him. Owen will have difficulty hearing, might have reduced motor skills, and will have difficulty walking as well. He's questioned by Lou and her colleague, but later turns on her and orders her out of the room. Devastated by Vernon's fate, Lou decides to break Col's rule and confront him one last time, sending Ceri and Owen away for their own protection and leaving her to face him alone. Whenever I see him I'm reminded of Do Kyungsoo since they have similar backgrounds of being a great actor who started out as an idol. Cinema is entertainment. Lou feels lucky to have escaped from the scene of the crime unharmed and without anyone witnessing her escape with the gun. The bullies continue to grow stronger each day and they physically attack Chen Nian and spread rumors about her family. Col would not suspect her involvement. Masih jarang dibahas, mari kenalan lebih jauh dengan film asal Hong Kong ini lewat fakta berikut. After discovering her policing idol DI Slack is as bent as a two bob note, she ended up going off on long-term leave, saying she no longer believes she can make a positive difference in policing. More info, WARNING: This article contains major spoilers from Better. Try Radio Times magazine today and get 12 issues for only 1 with delivery to your home subscribe now. Vernon states the obvious and says he was very close to getting exposed, but his confession led to a reduced sentence, and because he was a cop too, the law enforcement community let him go without any criminal record under his name. This is a tricky scenario in the show: how is Col, who is the most wanted criminal in the county, not caught meeting DI Lou out in public? He took him home unharmed, but Owens dad spotted Donal and gave him a good kicking for taking advantage of his son. Xie Xintong as Wang Li. I wrote an article about the movie and its two main leads, Jackson Yee and Zhou Dongyu. She broke into Vernons house and found the gun behind the garden gnome as hed told her about. The beginning really got me, not gonna lie. 20 years ago, Lou was a struggling new police officer, and Col became an informant on a case she was working on. It is amazing! In an interview with THR, series co-creator Peter Gould dissects the Better Call Saul series finale. Better Days earned more than US$80 on its opening weekend in China. DC Esther Okoye (Olivia Nakintu) was revealed to have gone on long-term sick leave and handing in her notice with Mosby questioning what had gone on between Lou and the other officer. In this article, we talked about the ending of Better days, how being bullied at school changed Chens life. The MV for the theme song of A Little Red Flower was just released. Armed and going to meet Col, she persuades him to meet her by telling him that she has a suicide letter from his daughter Aoife. She keeps telling herself that all this bullying will end once she leaves school. When he makes it through (albeit with severe physical disabilities) she realises she has to repay the universe by ending her involvement with the McHugh gang, making things right, and living a better life. Col even encourages her, telling her to get on with it, but she can't as he's like a brother to her. When Xiao finds it out, his eyes burn with anger and revenge. My mom said that the advantage of getting older is that you begin to forget things. WebI really hope this film wins the 2021 Academy Award for Best International Feature. In episode one, Lous teenage son Owen (Zak Ford-Williams) nearly dies when he contracts meningitis, and as she waits by his bedside Lou begs him to survive. It is also implied that Cols daughter Aoife is no more. In a very beautiful final montage, we see Xiao and Chen in different police vans, being transferred to a separate juvenile home. Lets dig deep. They grew close over the years, and then when Lous husbands business went bust, Col gave him a share in the building merchant he laundered money through to set him up with an income. In the present, Chen Nian and Xiao Bei both interrogated but stick to the story that the only time they had met was when Xiao Bei attacked Chen Nian. I can't wait to see his other movies after this! I am an Onstage Dramatist and a Screenwriter. Wei Lai and her friends are all suspended from school as a result and eventually had an even stronger vendetta against Chen Nian. Zheng hits a weak spot, and Chen, unable to control herself, starts beating Zheng. Cer and Lou are deeply affected by what just happened to their son, but they will not let their emotions get the worst of them, and they will surely not let their pain be known to Owen. Keep up to date with all the dramas - from period to crime to comedy. I personally pick this drama as well as "the untamed" as two Cdramas of 2019! Chen Nian tells her that if she never has to see Wei Lai again then she will stay quiet. Please stop supporting plagiarism and respect original work. When finds no place to run, she goes to Xiao Beis house and asks him to protect her while she continues her focus on her studies and preparation for her upcoming exams. Then, when Col found out about Lou, his henchman Bulgey hunted her down at Vernons house, and tried to kill her. He drinks a bottle of wine as he watches his life go up in smoke. Things go awry, which leads to Lou having to bring about peace between the gangs. Senior detective Sandy Mosby (Lucy Black) was watching the interview playing out and was left intrigued when Lou started asking Vernon if hed like a solicitor present and warned he would later regret it, potentially ending up serving time. Better ending explained Who wins in Lou and Col's battle? When she tried to stand up against the bullies she got brutally pushed down the stairs in from of many students at school. Lou couldnt pull the trigger on Col, saying he was like a brother to her, nonetheless, she confessed she was going to hand herself in and reveal her dodgy history with his criminal gang. From the same producers as Chernobyl and This Is Going to Hurt, and written by Jonathan Brackley and Sam Vincent (Humans, Spooks), the new five-parter is a dark tale about redemption and human conscience. He will have to step up and take responsibility for the fact that he might have indirectly killed his daughter. Lou promises to stay away. Cultural diversity in Cinema is a cause worth supporting. Lou did not think twice before throwing Col under the bus because she knew this was the only way to gain Esthers trust. On learning about Vernons death, Lou decides to confront Col one last time. He slaughters the undead without a second thought and even has little remorse taking out other survivors that get in his way. After all, it's kill or be killed. But in a number of ways, Days Gone - and, particularly, the Days Gone ending - reveals that the past never truly dies. What Happens To Him In The End? This movie is based on the Chinese novel, "The Youthful You Who Was so Beautiful." Over the course of five episodes, which are now available in full on BBC iPlayer, Lou begins to question whether she wants to continue living her double life of criminal mastermind and top policewoman. Elsewhere, Esther (Olivia Nakintu) takes an extended period of leave after finding out about Lou's corruption but Lou visits her home to tell her that the force needs more people like her. When Col began to suspect Lous allegiance had changed, he planted his son Donal in Owens support group, and they struck up a friendship so Donal (who is known to Owen as James) could extract information from him about what his mum might be up to. Lou also blames Col for not dealing properly with himself after his daughter Aoifes death. A police investigation begins, and an inspector, Zheng Ye, investigates the case. A life away from the drug syndicate and sparing the lives of her husband and son. I have been working in the Indian Film Industry for the past 8 years, majorly writing dialogues for various films and television shows. On returning from the dinner party, Lou sees shes received countless missed calls from her husband. The more one explores, the more we get to watch diverse stories from the lives of cops and detectives working in the UK and the criminal lifestyle. Next to her was a note, which apologised to her mum and brother, but tells her Dad Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. After Chen Nian gets her score back for the college entrance exam, one of the detectives comes to her house and tells her that Xiao Bei had lied about being a minor and had been sentenced to death. McHugh wanted to continue expanding his drug empire, but his supplier wouldnt increase their shipment, so he looked for an extra source to sell him cocaine. Col's wife slaps him, as she believes that Col loves Lou which he does, but as he states "not in that way". Cer is more deeply affected by this incident, as he realizes she needs to be there for his son too. That only got Lou even more embroiled in the McHugh gangs criminal activities. Back at home, Lou asks Ceri (Samuel Edward-Cook) how she's supposed to live with her guilt, and later, the pair formulate a plan to get rid of Col's money, which totals to around 80,000. Because of this, his new right-hand man says he can "take care of things for a while", thereby getting the green light to order a hit on Vernon in prison. Esther, who considers Lou to be her mentor, is shocked to have come across this piece of news. Esther was unwilling to believe that Lou was secretly working on getting out of the syndicate. I'm super excited for Jackson's next movie A Little Red Flower to come out. She revealed what really happened with Bulgey and Vernon, saying she was all out of ideas about how to deal with Col but said she needed to stop him. From the looks of it, the movie will definitely be one giant tearjerker, but I'm excited nonetheless! We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. She asks that he don't go after their family and even hands over the gun to him. Despite successfully starting a new life as "Gene Takavic" in Omaha, Jimmy Lou lied about what transpired between her and Esther and where shed got in intel from when shed stopped Col McHugh only to come up with nothing. The attackers mock her trying to save Xiao Bei and beat both of them until they finally get Chen Nian to kiss Xiao Bei as a way to humiliate them. She later went to visit Noel Wilkes (Kara Moore) in prison and she needed to call in a favour, telling him when he got out he could make a clean start with the spectre of Col looming over him. Her cause of death is yet to be revealed, but her death has surely affected Col, and there is something in him that has changed too that not many can decipher. It was released by Well Go USA Entertainment in Mandarin with English subtitles in selected theaters in the United States and Canada. She simply wanted to take the exam and move away to Beijing for college. Xiao Bei's friend. Her friend, Hu Xiaodie, who committed suicide, was constantly bullied by three girls in school. The main question on our minds when watching is whether or not Lou will succeed in tearing away from her life of corruption and actually bring down Col, the man she's come to love like a brother. You & Me ending What happens to Ben and Emma? There's something about a brand new crime drama being released as a boxset on BBC iPlayer that inevitably means the more eager among us will tear through a series in no time. This was one of my top movie picks for 2019. When she was on her way home, Xiao Bei grabbed her and asked her to tell the police that he assaulted her and accidentally killed her in the process. The film is based on the Chinese coming-of-age novel,In His Youth, In Her Beauty, byJiu Yuexi. In just five episodes, both writers and directors were able to convey love, friendship, a sense of doubt, and redemption convincingly. Four Good Days is a drama film that is based on the true-life story of Amanda Wendler (Molly) and Libby Alexander (Deb). Looking forward to that. Win win. Better days is one of the most highly anticipated movies in China due to its lead Zhou Dongyu and Jackson Yees immense popularity. Wei Lai and her mother, who belong to a very respectable and rich family, file a complaint against a hooded thug, and the police start investigating the scene again. The character arc of Chen Nian is in a constant struggle to forget the bullying, move on with it. Lou is on a mission to turn her life around. In fact, Laura has fully recovered from her gunshot wound last movie, and beyond a few mentions its never brought up again. Wei Lai falls down several flights of stairs, hitting her head and dying. The Mandalorian's Pedro Pascal on season 3, Neighbours announces seven more returning cast. The way he promised, to walk behind her, always. Isekai Nonbiri Nouka Chapter 202: Release Date, Spoilers & Where To Read, Who Does Bay End Up With In Switched At Birth? Biko Ending, Explained: Did Izwan Die? Outer Banks Character: Denmark Tanny, Explained: What Happened To Him? Their lives are intertwined until one day; a tragedy shakes Lous core. Your email address will not be published. She starts looking at things from a different perspective. Molly and Deb at the Detox Center. A couple of important things to note, with Wei talks about her Chen mothers debt, her ugliness, the stripping, the suicide. Col realizes he can never make an enemy out of Lou because of the long-standing friendship they have had for the past 20 years. Lou told him to keep his nose clean in prison so he would be released before hes 30, and to start with things are looking up he takes some educational courses in prison, and even stays off drugs. She is trying to run away from it. A man is tormented by the "accidental" murder of his girlfriend. Cinema is an escape route. Film ketiga asal Hong Kong yang dilirik penyelenggara Oscars Dok. When Bei is finally allowed to leave the police station, he quickly runs home to see Chen bleeding on the floor. Chen approaches the girl and they walk home together, followed by Xiao, and before the credits roll there are a few scenes expaling the policies of Chnese government that has enacted since the event to prevent bullying in schools. Owen, from here on, will be in a wheelchair and will have to improve his motor skills slowly and steadily. Pushes Wei Lai Beijing for college try Radio Times magazine today and get 12 issues for only 1 with to... Lou even made some donations as they continued to give away money and stayed out of the police,! Stairs, hitting her head and dying was instructed to shank poor Vernon death... Against Lou after being fired by Col lucky to have a negative opinion on Chen Nian falls... Dearth of stories in this article contains major Spoilers from better telling herself that all this bullying will end she... 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better days ending explained