Sometimes people wont let people handle their evidences, so try to work out something for the people that have the artifacts to have a replica done, and find out what it would cost for a reproduction to be made. At the other end of the spectrum inPrehistoric Copper Mining in the Lake Superior Region, published in 1961, Drier and Du Temple estimated that over 1.5 billion pounds of copper had been mined from the region. In North Carolina, significant finds were made in the Yadkin Valley of Caldwell County in1883 that included one group of four in seated positions and two lying on their backs. (rulers and measuring are a necessity) (A single picture is not worth the effort) ga('send', 'pageview');

Mr. McKinney, while making an excavation on the narrow watershed between the Brazos and Wichita rivers, came upon the fossilized skeleton near the surface. In 1934, The Bakersfield Californian reported that The Smithsonian, under the direction of Dr. W.T. Rephaim23, Moreover, other Inside was the skeleton of a 69 giant buried next to a stream that led to what was called a sacred pool. However, most people dont believe in giants, but rather scoff at the idea, saying its all just folklore that got mixed up and sensationalized by newspaper journalists. It was noted that the wall was made from hard red bricks, some of an immense size. There are over 1000 accounts of seven-foot and taller giant skeletons reportedly unearthed from ancient burial sites across North America. In this case, 16 skeletons were found in seated, squatting and prone positions in the center of which was a skeleton standing upright in a large stone cist. The Lene Lenapi Indians on the East Coast of America, report that they originally lived in the West until their world was destroyed by fire and they were forced to migrate to the other side of the Mississippi River in search of food and shelter. About ten miles from Sparta a skeleton 8-feet tall was found in association with perfectly smooth and round stones and an ancient childs toy set. It was rectangular and about 18 inches long by 8 x 8 square.. i kept it for years and i may still even have it.. Also my friend went on to tell me that these stones have been examined by several universities and are not from this area and they also said they cant identify what they are made out of.. they are the color of sandstone but thats all i know. Extremely ancient human remains have been found throughout New York State and New England that date back to at least 9,000 B.C. Surrounding this giant, the Smithsonian team found more bodies and noted in their report that the bodies had been prepared after the manner of mummies and upon the stones that covered the vault were carved inscriptions. All this evidence was shipped to the Smithsonian and in the report it noted this is the most interesting collection ever found in America.. His epithet Panoptes means the one who is all-seeing and reminds us of the symbol of the all-seeing eye of God. In recent years, the theory that these anomalous clay balls, fire-pits and other PPOs were used for cooking has come under intense debate and more recent discoveries linking this site to the copper-producing region of the Great Lakes, has led some scholars to posit that what was really going on at Poverty Point was actually the refining of copper for trade goods, the theory being that raw copper was brought down from Michigan during the summer months and then refined for manufacture and trade during the winter in the warmer climate of Louisiana. Friends, the photo of No. Giant skeletons were also unearthed the skulls of which are of an enormous size and all manner of shape, some being twice the size of a normal human.. (LogOut/ In the 1890s, Professor Frederic Ward Putnam excavated some of the mounds next to Serpent Mound and found only 6ft tall skeletons, but a postcard showing one 7 feet in height was recently rediscovered by researcher Jeffrey Wilson. Ivar the Boneless: Viking Warrior, Ruler and Raider, What is Shambhala? But why would they bother doing that if it was simply a sideshow hoax? Map of giant reports in North America. It describes how a group of people found a giant skeleton that was over 18 feet tall, and weighed over 2000 pounds. A newspaper article from 1940 tells that a giant- sized skull was found in Texas. Or, were the Romans protecting something even more valuable than silver? Prehistoric, Megalithic Construction in the Lone Star State The bones of this individual These skeletons have been reported from coast to coast with strange anatomic anomalies such as double rows of teeth, jawbones so large as to fit over the face of the finder, and elongated skulls, documented in virtually every state. In 1931, two giant skeletons were found near Lovelock, Nevada in the Humboldt dry lake bed. 1500 were actually counted in the first part of that evacuation and doubtless several thousand more were removed. Newspaper accounts, town and county histories, letters, scientific journals, diaries, photos, and Smithsonian ethnology reports have carefully documented this. In Texas, where everything is big, it would be to the states ever-lasting horror, if it turned out that their giansts were smaller than those of other giants who once ruled over the rest of America in ancient times. Simmons superintendent of Arizona and New Mexico railway was making evacuations along the lines of the railroad near Clear Creek, Galveston County when bones were found in the earth removed. Other reports of the discovery of buried giants were also found in 10, the Great Serpent Mound skeleton looks like an old Sideshow Gaffe. Upon careful excavation, this hillside yielded partial pelvic bones and ten articulated cervical vertebrae of an adult Alamosaurus . In Cartersville, a team from the Smithsonian found a vault with the skeleton of a giant 72. This skeleton had waist-length jet-black hair. In a mound in Chillicothe, a metal perforated bird was found, in addition to numerous carved pipes, one even depicting a duck riding on a fish. It is no exagaration to say that Wisconsin was an ancient version of the Nazca plateau in South America, which is famous world-wide for the thousands of animal images cut into the bedrock there. The report continued that they had discovered: a well-preserved skeleton of an enormous giantThe bones of the skeleton are remarkably white. Are the Misty Peaks of the Azores Remnants of the Legendary Atlantis? 512.471.6006 voice 512.471.5973 fax WebA Giant Human Skeleton 18 Feet Tall Found in Texas. In 1871, an archaeological dig at a native American burial ground unearthed 200 giant skeletons, some measuring up to 9 ft tall. WebIn another dig, performed in 1889 in Southern Ohio, a giant was found buried with the bones of panther and another with 147 bone and shell beads made from Conch and Pyrula shells imported from the Atlantic Ocean was unearthed. The tusk, several teeth, and some bones of a Deinotherium giganteum, which, loosely translated means really huge terrible beast, have been found on the Greek island Crete. Im interested because of what Ive seen on you tube combined with remodeling the st Anthonys hotel in satx, where these people stayed, Ive now become keenly interested in obtaining more information. No bones of children were found and this was accounted for by the supposition that they had all decayed. been noted. In the 1920s, the island of Catalina was owned by the Wrigley Chewing gum family, who hired Prof. Ralph Glidden to conduct a series of digs on the island under the direction of the Catalina Museum. This account from an Ozark cave in Arkansas is found in The New Age Magazine (Volume 18, 1913) given by the highly regarded reporter Victor Schoffelmeyer. Top Image: Graphic chart displaying the heights of various giant discoveries in North America. professional photography and even then the lighting for duplication may be different than the lighting a photographer might use. We cover all the theories of their origins in our new book, ranging from the Denisovans of Siberia to the Nephilim of the Bible Lands. I hope this provides sufficient Mr. Kinney writes:I estimate that this man weighed from two thousand to twenty-five hundred pounds. In this unique Top Ten, we look at some examples of giant skeletons that were reported from across ancient North America (although we warn you now that Number 1 is so large, we admit it may not be authentic). Although North and South Carolina are not generally known for their ancient mound builder cultures, it turns out that both states have a long and colorful history of giants, missing skeletons, pygmies called moon-eyed children, and ancient sheet mica mines that were used to supply major mound builder sites across the North American continent. A few of the professionals reporting these skeletal finds were Dr. Walter B. Jones, Moundsville Alabama (7ft 6 and many 7-footers); Dr. Forrest Clements Head of Anthropology at the University of Oklahoma (six 7ft skeletons); Dr. Donald A. Cadzow Cambridge University (7ft 5in skeleton found in Pittsburgh with many other large skeletons with anatomic anomalies reported); Dr. Byron Cummings, head of the archaeology department at the University of Arizona, considered the Dean of Southwestern Archaeology" (several over 8-footers); Thomas Wilson, Curator of Prehistoric Anthropology at the Smithsonian (verified an 8-foot skeleton with massive jawbone); W. J. Holland, curator of the Carnegie Museum (unearthed an over 8 ft skeleton in Pennsylvania as reported in many scientific journals including Scientific American ). AUSTIN, Tex., June 14.If the report that the fossilized skeleton of a giant eighteen feet tall has been found near Seymour, Tex., is true, it is the most important ethnological discovery ever made in the world, remarked Dr. J. E. Pearce, professor of anthropology of the University of Texas. From Jan 4, 1935 Corsicana Daily Sun Clipping found in Corsicana Daily Sun in Corsicana, Texas on Jan 4, 1935. He was not interested in giants and made a concerted effort to eradicate them from the historical record. While reading through the microfilm at the Steelville library three reports of the find where uncovered including the photo that shows Les Eaton, a 6-foot man, laid out next to the 8-foot skeleton in Dr. Parkers office. I just thought i would share my story with you all.. Everything i witnessed is true but the backstory from my friend i cannot vouch for but it sure was an interesting day. A similar mummified giant also turned up at Spiro Mounds, Oklahoma. The teeth are all in their places, and all of them are double, and of extraordinary size.. 1981. WebA number of unusually tall skeletons have been uncovered at Scaieni, in Buzaului Mountains. McKinney does not explain how he arrived at the figures as to the probable period of the existence of this remarkable man. It would appear that the post-cranial Although the Cliff Dwellers are generally thought of as a recent tribe, Smithsonian field reports from 1910 report signs of contruction dating back at least 5,000 years at some of the kivas that they explored. The bones of this individual do not indicate excessive stature, but they are remarkably robust and plainly point to a very muscular man. An over 7-foot skeleton found on Catalina Island. Murray Foubister / Flickr Copyright 2019 Sasquatch Chronicles. Big doings in ancient Texas. It was set back from the Guadalupe River about 250 feet in a jungle-like underbrush. In 1871, an archaeological dig at a native American burial ground unearthed 200 giant skeletons, some measuring up to 9 ft tall. The soldiers consulted a local tribe of Indians, who after going into trance, exclaimed they were geographically displaced Allegewi Indians from the Ohio Valley area. The finding of the remains in the first place was quite accidental. Miamisburg Mound is believed to have been built by the Adena Culture anywhere between 1000 to 200 BC. Understanding the Mysterious Kingdom of Shambhala, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Unleashing the End of the World, The Irish Story and Legend of C Chulainn, Alleged Sighting of the Mythical Manananggal in the Philippines Causes Public Anxiety, Aluxes: The Mischievous Little People of Maya Mythology, A Blazing Weapon: Unraveling the Mystery of Greek Fire, Medieval Hygiene Might Have Been Better Than You Think, New Evidence Shows Humans Were Using Bows and Arrows in 52,000 BC. Although traditional archaeologists reject outright any European heritage for this mysterious tribe, no definitive Haplogroup X testing has ever been done on any of the surviving tribe members and until scientific blood work is performed, all theories as to their original origins are purely based on superstition, academic bias and ill-founded opinions. One thing interesting was, my friend had 2 stones from the wall he had found and he gave me one. Richard J. Dewhurst is the Emmy Awardwinning writer of the HBO feature documentaryDear America: Letters Home from Vietnam. Several hours drive from this site where thousands of skeletons were found in the year 1900 buried in some ancient Texas city after some great deluge is Rockwall Texas named for a 20 mile long megalithic wall (or a natural one). And they were laid totally different on top so those parts had to have been made by people who didnt know the original building methods for the structure. Mystics such as Edgar Cayce, Rudolph Steiner, Madame Blavatsky, as well as the Rosicrucians and Freemasons all regarded giants as a reality. In 1999, Dana Biasetti, a graduate student from the University of Texas at Dallas, discovered giant dinosaur bones protruding from a dry hillside in the Javelina Formation of Big Bend National Park. The Iroquois, the Osage, the Tuscaroras, the Hurons, the Omahas, and many other North American Indians all speak of giant men who once lived and roamed in the territories of their forefathers. From Jan 4, 1935 Corsicana Daily Sun Clipping found in Corsicana Daily Sun in Corsicana, Texas on Jan 4, 1935. Any evidence that you come in direct contact with, If you be a scout for me. The genesis of the North American giants is shrouded in mystery, but we believe that they were involved in the sophisticated Mound Building cultures of the Mid-West, as royal tombs with reported enormous skeletons were often found within them. The Smithsonian Institution is mentioned dozens more times as the recipient of enormous skeletons from across the entire United States. The Sunday Inter Ocean Dragoo published a photo of the actual skeleton in his book so there is no doubt it was authentic. It was a very short time ago that the evacuations were begun which resulted in the singular an extraordinary discoveries. One thing is for sure. Ancient Chinese Earthquake Detector Invented 2,000 Years Ago Really Worked! Upon careful excavation, this hillside yielded partial pelvic bones and ten articulated cervical vertebrae of an adult Alamosaurus . Why is that? These even measurements in feet have raised the interest of alternative historians, as well as its numerous astronomical alignments that show great similarities to alignments at Stonehenge and Teotihuacan, among numerous significant ancient sites. At its height is was composed of 120 major mounds (of which 80 remain today) and a city estimated at 40-50,000 people, making it the largest city in the United States until Philadelphia overtook it in the 18th Century. Arabian Giant Variations of the giant photo hoax include alleged discovery of a 60- to 80-foot long (18- to 24-meter) human skeleton in Saudi Arabia. Since traditional researchers refuse to analyze European copper for its probable Michigan signature, no one has been able to account for where all this copper ended up. Working for the Heye Foundation of New York he unearthed a 9ft 2 in skeleton and several measuring over 7 feet: A skeleton of a young girl, evidently of high rank, within a large funeral urn, was surrounded by those of sixty-four children, and in various parts of the island more than three thousand other skeletons were found, practically all the males averaging around seven feet in height, one being seven feet eight inches from the top of his head to the ankle, and another being 9 feet 2 inches tall.. 1919 Report: 18ft Fossilized Giant Skeleton Found in TXRiver, 1915 Report: Giants Teeth Unearthed inMN. It Is one of many sites that the Incans were credited for building. It is a matter of official record that in digging through a mound in Iowa the scientists found the skeleton of a giant, who, judging from actual measurement, must have stood seven feet six inches tall when alive. Similar tales were told across the nation, since the majority of these sites were on private lands and the government offered no compensation for preservation of the mounds. Illustration of over 8-foot skeleton discovered near Miamisburg. 6 Advanced Ancient Inventions Beyond Modern Understanding, Mount Hua Trail: Where 100 People Plummet to Their Deaths Every Year, The Red Taj Mahal and the Dutch Hessings of India. than any yet reported. The first major discovery involves what was called The Death Valley Temple of the Giants. The 7 ft skeleton from Serpent Mound cut off at the knees. The size and scale of the Cahokia Mound Complex has been compared in scope and grandeur to the Great Pyramid. The In 1930 Don Dickson discovered what was described at the time as the largest Neolithic burial site in the world, 90 miles south of Peoria at the intersection of the Illinois River. What are we to make of these undeniably authentic artifacts? The oldest of these spear point are of Clovis origin and have been carbon-dated to 10,000 B.C. The unusual can certainly be The grisly find was brought to Dr. R. C. Parker here and stretched out to its enormous length in a hallway of his office where it has since remained the most startling exhibit Steelville has ever had on public view.. Ogden Standard Examiner , Sunday, November 10, 1929, pg.32. Between 2002 and 2010, a major copper workshop was discovered with forges and annealing methods for hardening copper, which included many examples of highly sophisticated repousse copper plates. Various sized skulls found at Potomac Creek, Stafford County, Virginia, 1937. All rights reserved. The Smithsonian, of course, says the three stelas are fake. Some of the oldest spear heads ever found were discovered in the Pee Dee Basin in the South Carolina counties of Florence, Darlington, Marlboro and Marion counties. The skeleton of a giant man about twelve feet tall was found inside. Murray Foubister / Flickr WebLost Ancient Race of Texas-Some Enormous Individuals-Thousands of Skeletons Found. It had been flooded with the damming and creation of Beaver Lake between 1960-1966. See: Dont Mess with Prehistoric Texas? In an earlier related find at the site by the Smithsonian two 1011 inch sandstone tablets were discovered which contained inscriptions in Roman-like capital letters. These tablets were shipped to the Smithsonian in Washington D.C. where they are to be held for scientific investigation.. The Mandan Indians are generally found in North Dakota and since their first contact with French explorers in 1738, this blond and red-haired, blue-eyed tribe has been the source of intense speculation as to their European origins. (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), Two further 12ft examples were reported in Jeffersonville, Kentucky ( The New York Times , May 22, 1871) and Barnard, Missouri ( The Providence Evening Press , September 13, 1883). That this region of the country had high culture as early as 8,000 B.C. For sheer mind-blowing diversity, the discoveries across the state of Ohio may be the richest and most unusual in the country. Later the same year, Altmann reported finding more giants on an island in the Santa Barbara Channel, including one skeleton that measured in at 74 tall. wow. The ruins run in a continuous line of six miles and are about a half mile wide. They starred together on the History Channel TV show Search for the Lost Giants (2014) and have recently co-authored Giants On Record: Americas Hidden History, Secrets in the Mounds and the Smithsonian Files (2015). seems large" and that he "looks like a large Poverty Point is constructed entirely of earthworks. The Horsemen of Oyo were legendary warriors who served the Oyo Empire of West Africa. Hieroplyphs were discovered in 1926 at sites in New Mexico and Arizona and a corresponsent from the Smithsonian reports from a 1910 PUYE cliff dweller excavation that It is estimated by the Smithsonian people that 10,000 lived on the face of this one cliff and that the population of the adjoining cliffs and on the mesas was fully 100,000 people. In another report from 1910, M.J. Brown comments on the great quantities of Portland cement that platered almost every one of the hundreds of rooms in the kiva. Later on in the same report Brown quotes Hewitt of the Smithsonian expedition as saying, The Pueblos have traditions, legends, or anything regarding these cliff people. WebIn a cave on the south side of the Cumberland River, a secret room was discovered that was 25 feet square and showed sign of engineering, as it contained a large rock-cut well, as well the skeleton of a blond-haired giant. Summit Books. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to products on Amazon. This deposit consists of seven distinct strata each about 3 feet thick and between each stratum theres a deposit of silk or earth from a quarter of an inch to an inch of thickness. The site is located at a major confluence of the Mississippi, Missouri and Illinois Rivers, directly across the Mississippi River from present-day St. Louis. Among the most significant are the Cincinnati tablets inscribed with hieroglyphs, textiles that resemble those from Assyria and Babylon, a skull examined by a surgeon in Cincinnati that exhibits evidence of brain surgery that shows knowledge of practical surgery scarcely excelled at the present day, as well as evidence of metallurgy, forges, slag, iron and even saws. WebGiant Skeletons - Mayan Artifacts Found In Texas. What they found made headlines around the world, only to be written out of the history books less than 10 years later. What is the origin of the legend of the Christed Son who was born of a virgin on December 25th? The body of a man more gigantic than any ever recorded in human history, has been found in the Miami Valley, in Ohio. All of the long bones were heavy.. Texas Archeological Research Laboratory Over 1000 accounts of seven-foot and taller skeletons have reportedly been unearthed from ancient burial sites over a two-hundred-year period in North America. Les Eaton on the floor next to the 8-foot skeleton. Our ancient Austin, Texas Gnostic Warrior news bureau reported long ago, that an oil prospector had found the remains of a giant human skeleton that is an incredible 18 feet tall. However, lets take a closer look, as there is some intrigue and inconsistency with this popular story. In his research Klaus Dona has seen bones from 7.6m, 24'11" giants. material wasn't out of the ordinary, though definitely Now confirmed by the university records! Very interesting article, although when I read the line "Has appeared on ancient aliens" I get turned off and concerned about the authenticity and peer review. When accurately measured it turned out to be 8ft 4 inches and was carefully inspected and measured by Prof. Thomas Wilson, Curator of the Department of Prehistoric Anthropology in the Smithsonian Institution, and by other scientists.. There are over 1000 accounts of seven-foot and taller giant skeletons reportedly unearthed from ancient burial sites across North America. newspaper article stating that finds "in Texas He states that when the Great Spirit made the people, some of them became giants. H.J. Then, at a depth of nine feet, another giant skeleton was found in the remains of a bark coffin and it was noted in their report that this giant had a skull, which was of the compressed or flat-head type. In other words, this skeleton exhibited conehead characteristics similar to those found in South America and Egypt. Scientists have discovered what appears to be the worlds biggest penguin species known to have swum Earths oceans or waddled across its surface, and it was the size of a gorilla! WebGiant Skeletons - Mayan Artifacts Found In Texas. the 'knobbing' typical of acromegaly, and stature The Walls of Benin: Four Times Longer Than The Great Wall of China! In the same mound and at the same level, a normal sized skull was found. A study is being made to determine whether the huge skull was that of a man belonging to a tribe of extraordinary large men, or whether the skull was that of an abnormal member of a tribe, a case of gigantism. It is the largest conical burial mound in Ohio, once nearly 70 feet tall (the height of a seven-story building) and 877 feet in circumference. According to the article The Smithsonian commissioned Pavey L. Stanly of Bakersfield to make a topographical site of the finds, which was to be filed with the collection at The Smithsonian. Arabian Giant Variations of the giant photo hoax include alleged discovery of a 60- to 80-foot long (18- to 24-meter) human skeleton in Saudi Arabia. It is probable that the bones of the giant will be donated to the Smithsonian Institution which, under the direction of Dr. J. Walter Fewkes, is now conducting anthropological research work in Texas. WebSubmission statement: this is an article from a Texas newspaper from July 11, 1919. Then even later in 1833, western artist George Catlin, who was also convinced of their European roots, lived with the tribe and painted their village life and religious ceremonies. the lack of "knobbing" in the hand bones In the case of Cahokia, it took until the 1964 for that complex to receive official protection as a National Historic Landmark. Serpent Mound survey by Squire and Davis. Now confirmed by the university records! As amazing as all these finds are, the discoveries in Newark Ohio deserve special mention. Now confirmed by the university records! To compound matters, the Mound Builders still have no official standing as an indigenous Native American People, as no official descendents of the Mound Builders have ever been recognized by the courts of the United States. Several hours drive from this site where thousands of skeletons were found in the year 1900 buried in some ancient Texas city after some great deluge is Rockwall Texas named for a 20 mile long megalithic wall (or a natural one). Meet Richard this month on the AoM Message Boards Whoever they may have been and whenever they may have lived the remains found show beyond a question that some terrible outbreak of a nature causes the sudden death of thousands of these ancient people and their burial in the strata where by chance they were exhumed by the people of a far distant age. Goldstein mentions Evans spent the winter of 179697 with the Mandan but found no evidence of any Welsh influence. Our ancient Austin, Texas Gnostic Warrior news bureau reported long ago, that an oil prospector had found the remains of a giant human skeleton that is an incredible 18 feet tall. I value Mr. Dahls time and efforts he has put into these original investigation. Were theonlyPop Archaeology site combining scientific research with out-of-the-box perspectives. According to my deductions he lived about twenty-eight hundred years ago. Who was born of a virgin on December 25th sized skulls found at Potomac,! Newark Ohio deserve special mention floor next to the Great Spirit made the,... 250 feet in a continuous line of six miles and are about a half mile wide skeletons have been throughout. And scale of the Legendary Atlantis of extraordinary size.. 1981 careful,... States that when the Great Spirit made the people, some measuring up to 9 ft tall man weighed two. Been built by the Adena Culture anywhere between 1000 to 200 BC is an article from a Texas from! Book so there is no doubt it was noted that the Incans were credited for building believed to have built...: Graphic chart displaying the heights of various giant discoveries in Newark Ohio deserve special mention the of. 8,000 B.C that you come in direct contact with, if you a. 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From 1940 tells that a giant- sized skull was found in Corsicana Daily Sun Clipping found in Corsicana, on. And of extraordinary size.. 1981 displaying the heights of various giant discoveries in Newark Ohio deserve mention...

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