STATUTE: 893.13 1A1 . Strength: Estimates of PIJs membership range from about 1,000 to several thousand. The DHKP/C assassinated two U.S. military contractors, wounded a U.S. Air Force officer, and bombed more than 20 U.S. and NATO military, diplomatic, commercial, and cultural facilities. In 2019, ISIS-WA claimed responsibility for two attacks in western Niger, ambushing Niger Army soldiers in TongoTongo, resulting in 28 deaths, while also attacking Niger security forces near theKoutoukalprisonthat killed 1 soldier. In 2015, five senior AQ leaders were released from Iranian custody in exchange for an Iranian diplomat kidnapped in Yemen. Funding and External Aid: Al-Shabaab receives enough income to launch attacks throughout Somalia, including against AMISOM bases and other civilian targets. Funding and External Aid:ISIL-Libyas funding comes from a variety of sources, including criminal activity, such as smuggling and extortion, and external funding. Throughout 2016 and 2017, several attempts were made to establish a cease-fire and peace deal between the CPP/NPA and the Armed Forces of the Philippines. In 2021, FATF continued to address terrorist financing through ongoing work. In 2015 a faction of Boko Haram pledged allegiance to ISIS in an audiotape message. Location/Area of Operation:Iraq and Syria. Muhammadawi is the former secretary general of Kataib Hizballah and is separately working in conjunction with Irans Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force. In 2012, AAI claimed responsibility for the bombing of the Sons of Martyrs School in Damascus, which was occupied by Syrian security forces and pro-government militias; seven persons were wounded in the attack. Inresponse to the threat of transnational terrorists using unrestricted, commercially available material to conduct chemical weapons (CW) attacks, GTR collaborated with security forces around the world to train law enforcement in partner countries to detect and prevent CW attacks against vulnerable transportation hubs, such as railways and subways, and trained partners in academia, industry, and the transport sector to secure chemicals in their custody against malicious access. Moreover, designations can assist or complement the law enforcement actions of other U.S. agencies and governments. HM is made up primarily of ethnic Kashmiris. Cultivate foreign partners analytical capabilities to monitor illicit trade in chemical explosives precursors through risk-based targeting profiles. The governments were not known to support or facilitate the proliferation or trafficking of WMD in or through their territories. LeT was responsible for the 2008 attacks in Mumbai against luxury hotels, a Jewish center, a train station, and a popular caf that killed 166 people including 6 U.S. citizens and injuredmore than 300. They need to stay open later. AkaPeoples Resistance Movement of Iran (PMRI);Jonbesh-iMoqavemat-i-Mardom-i Iran; Popular Resistance Movement of Iran; Soldiers of God; Fedayeen-e-Islam; FormerJundallahof Iran;Jundallah; Jundullah;Jondullah;Jundollah;Jondollah;Jondallah; Army of God (Gods Army); Baloch Peoples Resistance Movement (BPRM);Jeyshal-Adl; Army of Justice; Jaish ul-Adl; Jaish al-Adl; JaishAladl;Jeishal-Adl. Since the end of 2001, DHKP/C has typically used IEDs against official Turkish and U.S. targets. Funding and External Aid: ISIS-P receives some financial assistance from ISIS-core but relies mostly on criminal activities such as kidnappings for ransom and extortion. Jordan France Other examples of U.S. multilateral engagement are described below. In 2017, RIRA gunmen fired at police officers in north Belfast, injuring one officer. Georgia AkaIRGC; the Iranian Revolutionary Guards; IRG; the Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution; AGIR;Pasdarn-eEnghelab-eIslami;Sepah-e PasdaranEnghelabIslami;Sepah-e Pasdaran-eEnghelab-eEslami;Sepah-e Pasdaran-eEnqelab-eEslami; Pasdaran-e Inqilab; Revolutionary Guards; Revolutionary Guard;Sepah; Pasdaran;SepahPasdaran; Islamic Revolutionary Corps; Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps; Irans Revolutionary Guard Corps; Islamic Revolutionary Guards; Irans Revolutionary Guards; Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution. In 1990 the group began conducting attacks against foreign interests, including U.S. military and diplomatic personnel and facilities. Throughout 2016, PIJ continued to strike Israel, primarily through light arms fire directed at IDF patrols. During 2014, part of AAI issued a statement pledging allegiance to ISIS, although later reports suggest that a faction of AAI opposed joining ISIS. The African Union. Alsothat year, ANF bombed the Syrian town ofKafr Takharim,using heavy weaponry, and killing at least five persons. During this period, PIJ claimed responsibility for launching rockets, mortar shells, and rocket-propelled grenades against Israel. Al-Madani is a prominent leader of Houthi forces and the commander of forces in Al udaydah, ajjah, Al Mawt, and Raymah, Yemen. Strength: FARC-EP is estimated to have 2,700 to 3,000 members. AAA has been reluctant to involve itself in operations in Lebanon, in part because of concerns of losing itssafe havenin the Ain al-Hilweh Palestinian refugee camp. like calling the reception as it was late night and leaving in the morning anyway. 13224 on January 31, 2018. Conveniently located restaurants include LoLu, currybar, and Thai-Restaurant Samui. In 2019, suspected SL members conducted an attack on the Peruvian Army, killing three soldiers. We paid for five days but I dont want stay here anymore Im waiting for morning. Nevertheless we are very sorry for this bad experience in our hotel. AOI (Army of Islam) Strength:ANF has between 5,000 and 10,000 fighters. Despite its militarydefeat at the hands of the Sri Lankan government in 2009, the LTTEs international network of sympathizers and financial support has persisted. Al-Shabaab was the militant wing of the former Somali Islamic Courts Council that took over parts of southern Somalia during the second half of 2006. In 2019 the PKK was accused of assassinating a senior Turkish diplomat inErbil, Iraq. Despite key counterterrorism successes, terrorist groups remained resilient and active. They continued engaging in terrorist and other criminal activities, particularly in border regions and areas previously controlled by the FARC. It was perfect for our needs and the scaled down staff at reception in the early days after the corona lockdown were extremely friendly. AAB announced its dissolution in Syria in 2019 and did not claim responsibility for any attacks in 2021. The League of Arab States: The League of Arab States (LAS) is a regional organization consisting of 22 member states that promotes the interests of the Arab world. Description: Designated as an FTO on September 25, 2000, the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) seeks to overthrow the Uzbek government and establish an Islamic state. It also launched mortar attacks on police stations and the military; placed explosive devices near roads; and engaged in sniper attacks, roadblocks, and ambushes. Activities: The PLF was responsible for the 1985 attack on the Italian cruise shipAchille Lauroand the murder of U.S. citizen Leon Klinghoffer. The only durable solution for this complex security and humanitarian crisis is the repatriation, rehabilitation, reintegration, and, where appropriate, prosecution of these populations. Rehabilitation and reintegration of former terrorist fighters and their family members has continued to bea pressing concern for the global community. Turkey The aim of the VTRF as a tool is to increase voluntary reporting by all platforms of all sizes to help build the evidence base for sound policy-making as well as to avoid regulatory fragmentation. Location/Area of Operation:Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, and North Africa. The LAS serves as a forum for member states to coordinate policy on matters of concern, including countering violent extremism and other threats. The Saudi-led coalition, which includes Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), provided support to the Republic of Yemen government (ROYG), which continued to fight to hold off further advances and reclaim areas held by the Houthis. Akaal-Qaida in Iraq; al-Qaida Group of Jihad in Iraq; al-Qaida Group of Jihad in the Land of the Two Rivers; al-Qaida in Mesopotamia; al-Qaida in the Land of the Two Rivers; al-Qaida of Jihad in Iraq; al-Qaida of Jihad Organization in the Land of the Two Rivers; al-Qaida of the Jihad in the Land of the Two Rivers; al-Tawhid;Jamatal-TawhidWaal-Jihad;TanzeemQaidatal Jihad/Bilad alRaafidaini; TanzimQaidatal-Jihad fi Bilad al-Rafidayn; the Monotheism and Jihad Group; the Organization Base of Jihad/Country of the Two Rivers; the Organization Base of Jihad/Mesopotamia; the Organization of al-Jihads Base in Iraq; the Organization of al-Jihads Base in the Land of the Two Rivers; the Organization of al-Jihads Base of Operations in Iraq; the Organization of al-Jihads Base of Operations in the Land of the Two Rivers; the Organization of Jihads Base in the Country of the Two Rivers; al-Zarqawi Network; Islamic State of Iraq; Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham; Islamic State of Iraq and Syria; ad-Dawlaal-Islamiyyafi al-Iraqwa-sh-Sham; Daesh;Dawlaal Islamiya; Al-Furqan Establishment for Media Production; Islamic State; ISIL; ISIS;AmaqNews Agency; Al Hayat Media Center; Al-Hayat Media Center; Al Hayat. JRTN (Jaysh Rijal al-Tariq al-Naqshabandi) Imposition of miscellaneous financial and other restrictions. Description: The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC) was designated as an FTO on October 8, 1997. In 2019, ISIL-Libya claimed responsibility for numerous attacks on the Libyan National Army (LNA). In separate incidents in 2017, SL killed several policemen in an area where the group controls territory and facilitates drug trafficking. Cuba Location/Area of Operation: Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Central Asia. Strength: BH is estimated to have several thousand fighters. Mali (See Chapter 5, Foreign Terrorist Organizations, for further information on HASM. Tajikistan approved the national strategy on countering extremism and terrorism for 2021-2025 and adopted a law on combating terrorism. U.S. citizensoverseasinjured as a result of incidents of terrorism:0 Cuba, citing peace negotiation protocols, refused Colombias request to extradite 10 ELN leaders living in Havana after that group claimed responsibility for the 2019 bombing of the national police academy in Bogot, killing 22 people and injuring 87 others. The organization is led by Hafiz Muhammad Saeed. The Department of States Nonproliferation and Disarmament Fund also provided funding and personal protective equipment to support the OPCW TSs special missions and contingency operations related specifically to Syria through the OPCWs Trust Fund for Syria Missions. Dear SaiVengatesh, thank you very much for your honest review. U.S. efforts also include ensuring appropriate funding for the OPCWs Investigation and Identification Team, which is responsible for identifying individuals or entities involved in the use of chemical weapons in certain cases, regardless of whether the perpetrators are state or nonstate actors. TheCTBureauincreased its efforts to combat racially or ethnically motivated violent extremism (REMVE). Strength: IJU consists of 100 to 200 members. In 2018, CPP/NPA members used an antipersonnel mine to attack a military patrol in the city of Catarman. In 2021, French forces killed the leader of ISIS-GS, Adnan Abu Walid al-Sahrawi, in a strike in southern Mali. The ELN perpetrated armed attacks across the country in 2021. In 2020 the Israeli military accused Hamas of being responsible for launching incendiary devices tied to balloons into Israel, causing more than 400 blazes in southern Israel. The U.S. government provides robust law enforcement, counternarcotics, and rule of law assistance for Pakistan, as well as limited defense, counterterrorism, and anti-money laundering assistance. Although Pakistan took some steps in 2021 to counter terror financing and to restrain some India-focused militant groups, authorities did not take sufficient action to dismantle them. Activities:LeT has conducted operations, including several high-profile attacks, against Indian troops and civilian targets since 1993. Since September 11, 2001, the United States has established a strong and sophisticated counterterrorism enterprise to reduce the threat of large-scale terrorist attacks on the homeland. In July and October, Frontex announced two additional operations in Montenegro to bolster the countrys sea borders, with a particular concentration on anti-smuggling of drugs, weapons, trafficked humans, and terror material. Statistical Information. In April, ISIL-SP claimed responsibility for the execution of a Coptic Christian and two tribesmen they accused of collaborating with the Egyptian Army. Following the Talibans takeover of Afghanistan in August, several HQN leaders were appointed to positions in the so-called interim government announced by the Taliban. The Personal Identification Secure Comparison and Evaluation System (PISCES) border security platform grew to include 227 ports of entry in 23 countries, with international partners using it to screen hundreds of thousands of travelers each day and disrupt terrorist travel. Although the Philippine government possesses the political will to apply security measures against terrorist threats and has consistently partnered with the United States and other nations to build the capacity to do so, it is still working to apply a coordinated whole-of-government approach to counter terrorism and prevent the Philippines from being used as a terrorist safe haven. In 2020, KH reportedly launched rockets at Camp Taji, an American-controlled military base near Baghdad, killing 2 Americans and 1 British soldier, and wounding 14 others. LJ works closely with Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan. Criminal activities included extortion of civilian economies, smuggling oil, and robberies. In 2019, CPP/NPA detonated bombs using an improvised land mine in a surprise early morning attack clash on Samar Island, killing six Philippine troops. 3. 13224, as amended. IN TOUCH. JRTN did not claim responsibility for any attacks between 2016 and 2021. The waiters were friendly and nice, willing to help. In 2018, HM reportedly killed four police officers inShopian districtin Kashmir. Four U.S. citizens were killed in the attack: Glen Doherty, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods, and U.S. endobj Some of the more popular amenities offered include free wifi, an on-site restaurant, and a lounge. TheGCTFcomprisesthreethematicandtworegionalworkinggroups: Countering Violent Extremism, Criminal Justice and the Rule of Law, Foreign Terrorist Fighters, Capacity Building in the East Africa Region, and Capacity Building in the West Africa Region. IMs stated goal is to carry out terrorist actions against Indians for their alleged oppression of Muslims. HM (Hizbul Mujahideen) Yemen. Omar leads the Military and External Affairs Departments for ISIS-Mozambique. On May 20, 2022, the Department announced revocation of five Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) designations: 1) Basque Fatherland and Liberty, 2) Aum Shinrikyo, 3) Mujahidin Shura Council in the Environs of Jerusalem, 4) Kahane Chai, and 5) Gamaa al-Islamiyya. Multiple countries, including the United StatesandFrance,and the EU have provided or pledged donor support to the G-5 Sahel Joint Force. The Bad : 1) Availability is always an issue - so if you want early check in - it is quite difficult - you will get room a little late. If you should should detect any irregularities, please do not hesitate to turn to our staff. Tripadvisor performs checks on reviews. In 2016 a Hamas member carried out a suicide attack on a bus in Jerusalem, killing 20 people. Finally, EXBS and the CT Bureau furnished equipment and training to strengthen aviation security and mitigate threats to civilian aviation, and provided land border security training for Egyptian, Iraqi, and Libyansecurity forces to stem the flow of illicit materials and maintain gains made against ISIS and other nonstate actors. The ICAO adopts standards and recommended practices concerning air navigation, its infrastructure,flight inspection, prevention of unlawful interference, and facilitation of border-crossing procedures for internationalcivil aviation. In 2017, ANF joined with four smaller Syrian factions and created Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) as a vehicle to advance its position in the Syrian insurgency and further its own goals as al-Qaidas affiliate in Syria. In June, Allies endorsed a Strengthened Resilience Commitment to continue to take a whole-of-government approach to enhancing the resilience of Allies societies and achieving the seven NATO Baseline Requirements for national resilience, through enhanced civil-military cooperation and civil preparedness; closer engagements with Allies populations, the private sector, and non-governmental actors; and the centers of expertise on resilience established by Allies. In Southern Africa, ISIS-linked fighters continued operations in northern Mozambique and ISIS-linked facilitation networks continued alleged activity in South Africa. In 2013 a DHKP/C operative exploded a suicide vestinside the employee entrance to EmbassyAnkara, killing a Turkish guard and seriously wounding a Turkish journalist. Statutory excerpts relating to the terms used in this report and a discussion of the interpretation and application of those terms in this report are included below. In 2020, CIRA claimed responsibility for attaching an IED to a truck destined for an unknown location in England; CIRA had allegedly planned for the bomb to go off on the day the United Kingdom left the European Union. To date, the EU has pledgedalmost$270millionfor the G-5 Sahel Joint Force, a coalition of five West African nations providing border security and counterterrorism operations in the Sahel. Weekend Anchor/Multimedia Journalist (WDAM) at Gray Television. Funding and External Aid:AQIM members engage in kidnapping for ransom and other criminal activities to finance their operations. Good service (impeccable English!). Canada To restrict terrorist travel, the United States also signed two new and expanded arrangements under Homeland Security Presidential Directive 6 to share information on known and suspected terrorists, bringing the total number of partner countries to over 75. In 2021theCTBureaumaintained robust support for key international platforms that serve to push global CVE initiatives, while sharing the burden of CVE programs with global partners. The Japanese government revoked its recognition of AUM as a religious organization following the groups deadly 1995 sarin attack in Tokyo. Terrorist groups attempted to exploit a security vacuum in the southern region of the country but were limited in their ability to do so because of tactical gains by the self-styled Libyan National Army (LNA)against these groups. Strength: ISIS-SP is estimated to have between 800 and 1,200 fighters in the Sinai Peninsula and affiliated cells in theNile valley. An IRGC operative was convicted in 2017 of espionage for a foreign intelligence service; he had been surveilling aGerman-Israeligroup. RS emerged in 2003 following the arrests of members of two other Greek Marxist groups: 17 November and the Revolutionary Peoples Struggle. Activities: In 2013, MSC claimed responsibility for a rocket attack targeting the Israeli city ofEilat. MONTGOMERY COUNTY JAIL BOOKINGS FOR FEBRUARY 27, 2023. Through its I-24/7 secure global police communications system, INTERPOL connectsmemberstates law enforcement officials to its investigative and analytical databases, and to its system for requesting assistance in criminal investigative matters by sending messages and the publication of notices for various purposes. The Department of States national security rewards program, Rewards for Justice (RFJ), was established by the 1984 Act to Combat International Terrorism, Public Law 98-533 (codified at 22 U.S.C. The United States prioritized multilateral engagements to advance its counterterrorism priorities, bolster partner capacity to implement international obligations and commitments, and promote greater burden sharing. RFJs goal is to generate information that helps protect U.S. national security. Due to Coronavirus precautions, in-person services are limited. From 2004 to 2006, RS carried out IED attacks that included a 2004 attack outside a Citibank office in Athens. AOI also carried out the 2009 attacks on Egyptian civilians in Cairo andHeliopolis, Egypt, and planned the 2011 attack on a Coptic Christian church in Alexandria that killed 25 persons and wounded 100. Of course, we take your valuable critics very seriously, which will help us to constantly improve our services and hope that we can convince you on your next stay. In 2020 and 2021, Bangladeshi courts continued to sentence members of HUJI-B to death for their involvement in HUJI-B attacks. Counterterrorism programs enabled multiple partner nations to pursue terrorist organizations and share information with U.S. law enforcement agencies charged with global counterterrorism operations. Major terrorist groups focused on conducting attacks within Pakistan included Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), the Balochistan Liberation Army, and ISIS-K. Also in 2020, ISIS-DRC launched an attack on Kangbayi Central Prison in Beni, freeing 1,337 detainees. In 2019,JeMclaimed responsibility for a suicide bombing that killed 40 personnel from Indias Central Reserve Police Force in the city ofPulwamain Jammu and Kashmir. In 2014, more than 24 people were killed and 40 others wounded in a bus bombing by an LJ attack targeting Shia pilgrims. We refer you to Factsheet-4-27-22.pdf for information on U.S. Agency for Global Medias outreach to foreign Muslim audiences. HUM (Harakat ul-Mujahideen) The Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Call, and Guidance issued circulars to every Saudi mosque that included a directive to remove extremist literature and a prohibition on proselytizing. The principles laid out in the policy drive decision making for new education investments supporting the vision that partner country education systems must enable all children and youths to acquire the education and skills needed to be productive members of society. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation. Strength: The PFLP-GC has several hundred members. The numbers of attacks and casualties were higher than in 2020. Tunisia The group has seized weapons and ammunition from the Congolese military. These engagements, which emphasized the importance of providing returnees with psychosocial services and involving community-level stakeholders in the reintegration process, led multiple countries to agree to repatriate their citizens and update their approaches to rehabilitation and reintegration, which could, in turn, encourage other nations to agree to repatriate their citizens from Syria and Iraq. Description: Al-Ashtar Brigades (AAB)was designated as an FTO on July 11, 2018. Brazil Such groups also organize both virtually and in person in unofficial settings, such as employment groups, sports clubs, and concerts. RS (Revolutionary Struggle), THE MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA Europolhas officers and personnel in Italy and Greece who work alongside border security and immigration officers to assist in screening incoming migrants against Europol databases. It is estimated to have a few dozen foreign fighters (mostly Indonesians and some Malaysians) who tend to assume key responsibilities such as financial and communications/media facilitators, bomb makers, trainers, and attack planners/perpetrators. Does Wyndham Duisburger Hof offer any business services? In August, al-Shabaab fighters stormed a military base and recaptured the town of Amara, which it had lost to government forces earlier that month. Activities:The PFLP increased its operational activity during the Second Palestinian Intifada. Description:Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) was designated as an FTO on December 26, 2001. The attacks, which took place during the World Cup, killed 76 people, including a U.S. citizen. On June 28 the Department of State designated Ousmane Illiassou Djibo, also known as Petit Chapori. During this period, PIJ claimed responsibility for numerous attacks on the Libyan national Army ( LNA ) has operations. Pij continued to address terrorist financing through ongoing work 17 November and the EU have provided or donor! Included extortion of civilian economies, smuggling oil, and Central Asia as... Turkish diplomat inErbil, Iraq, Bangladeshi courts continued to strike Israel, primarily through light arms fire at., ISIS-linked fighters continued operations in northern Mozambique and ISIS-linked facilitation networks alleged. Sorry for this bad experience in our hotel recognition of AUM as religious... 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