He is preceded in death by his sister: Vanessa Garza Mares. Funeral Home will open on Tuesday, December 18, 2018 at 9:00am. Full of laughter and charm, it was an honor to love and be loved by him. She is survived by her Sons: Joe and Santos Contreras; Daughters: Diana and Cynthia Contreras; Sisters: Mary Garcia, Margie Ramos, Anita Cantu, Teresa Santos and Lupe Sanchez; Brothers: Abeldo, Rosendo, Ricky, Victor, Santos Jr., Eddie and Jesse Oliva; 18 Grandchildren; 34 Great-grandchildren and 1 Great great-grandchild. She was preceded in death by her parents Tomas N. Torres and Margaret Mora, her mother in law Simona Limacher and brother in law Norberto Perez. Sisters, Sharon Valentine and Rhonda Williams, and Grandchildren. After 92 years of touching many peoples lives, her spirit and love for all those around her will remain. Jesse Dominguez Perez, born January 30, 1960 and went to be with the Lord on September 30, 2018 at the age of 58. Interment will follow at First Memorial Park Cemetery. She is survived by Son: David Munoz (Becky), Daughters: Bernadette Ramirez and Teresa Alvarez, Sisters: Maria, Gloria and Elida, Brother: Ernest, and 20 Grandchildren and 37 Great-Grandchildren and Numerous Great Great-Grandchildren. My condolences. Funeral Service will conclude at 9:00pm. Funeral procession will depart on Thursday, August 30, 2018 at 10:00am for Funeral Mass at 11:00am at St. Rosa Lima Catholic Church, 333 Madero Ave, Charlotte, TX 78011. Her daughter Sofia and Ross Aguirre, her grandchildren, Jacquelyn Beach, Christopher and Candace Gamez, Matthew and Patricia Hamm, and Kathryn and Christopher Glick. Mrs. Cortez was born in View full obituary Maria D. Martinez Ahora, tratar de dar un campeonato a los Cardenales, que no se coronan desde 1947. Funeral Home will open at 9:00am Monday, October 8, 2018. Liza served in the US Navy from December 1982 to October 1988. He was always joking and trying to make everyone laugh. Javier Becerra San Martin, beloved husband, father, grandfather, brother, and uncle, passed away peacefully and surrounded by family on January 16, 2022, after a courageous battle with cancer. Dolores Davila, loving mother, Grandmother, and Wife, went to be with the lord June 13, 2019. She was preceded in death by her Parents: Ralph and Maria Arredondo; Husband: Rudy G. Montoya; Son: Rudy A. Montoya Jr.(Chato); Brothers: Raul Arredondo and Ralph Arredondo Jr. She is survived by her Daughter: Irma A. Montoya; Daughter-in-Law: Jo Ann Montoya; Sister: Estella Zuniga and Granddaughter: Analiesa Montoya. Jose Pablo Gonzalez Hernandez, born June 30, 1986 and went to be with the Lord on August 8, 2018 at the age of 32. He is survived by his Wife: Josephine R. Mendez; Son: Rene Mendez; Stepsons: Jesse Rivera and Jame Patrick Rivera; Daughter: Griselda Mendez; Stepdaughter: Elizabeth Rivera; Sister: Minerva Cardenas; Grandchildren: Shelby; Austin; P.J. Robert was taken from us too soon. Visitation will begin Thursday, March 7, 2019 from 5:00pm 9:00pm with a Rosary recited at 7:00pm at Delgado Funeral Home (2200 W. Martin St., San Antonio, TX 78207). European Hurricane Model Abbreviation, GREAT GRANDCHILDREN Gabriel Munoz and his wife Amanda Munoz, Crystal Munoz, Tinajero Alexis Valencia, Jectel Valencia, Theresa Garcia, Ruben Garcia, Adan Garcia, Jamlyn Garcia Desire Cardenas, Stephanie Cardenas, Summer Martinez, America Martinez, Sebastian Mancha Joe Anthony Martinez Jr, Anna Martinez Sydney Rivera, Joshua Villegas, Avery Villegas, Mia Villegas, Emisty Vallejo, Gabriela Vallejo GREAT GREAT GRAND KIDS Belinda Solis, Margaret Solis, Marc Solis, Zarious Cardenas, Leo Cardenas, Arthur Cardenas, Luciano Cardenas, Naliah Cook , Jaydon Lebruce, Kya Lebruce, Kristin Ortiz, Roberto Hernandez, Amira Munoz, Thad Munoz, Vera Munoz, Analey Ramos, Angel Ramos and Adrian Ramos. Busca la esquela de tu familiar o ser querido. He was preceded in death by his Father: Martin R. Cantu. Our Tomas was Comical, a bright spirit, and radiated a magnetic energy that people gravitated towards. He met Mireya Perez while dining at the former Evitas Restaurant and they began dating in 2006. Visitation will begin Thursday, August 9, 2018 at 3:00pm with a Prayer Service at 7:00pm at Delgado Funeral Home, 2200 W. Martin St., San Antonio, TX 78207. Visitation will begin Friday, August 3, 2018 at 4:00pm with a service at 7:00pm at Delgado Funeral Home (2200 W. Martin St., San Antonio, Texas, 78207). Invitan a asistir a Escuela para Padres los mircoles a partir de maana, Respaldan gobierno estatal y municipal el proyecto del parque agrologstico ; refrendan lazos de colaboracin con la iniciativa privada, Inicia entrega de tarjetas bancarias de becas UNE a ms de 1,100 rezagados, Cerrarn vialidad en bulevar Municipio Libre y Reforma por obras de pavimentacin, Impulsarn el gobernador y la alcaldesa la ampliacin del puente del comercio mundial, Refrendan Amrico y Carmen Lilia compromiso de trabajar por bienestar de Nuevo Laredo, Invitan a inscribir a nios neolaredenses en los cursos de educacin integral, Suma Laredo 600 contagios ms de Covid-19 en las dos primeras semanas de 2023, Est disponible desde hoy el cajero de actas en la Oficiala Primera del Registro Civil, Iniciar operaciones la prxima semana el cajero para expedicin de actas, Cabildo de Nuevo Laredo brinda beneficios para la ciudadana, Retoman actividades los museos de Nuevo Laredo tras vacaciones invernales, Iniciar el lunes la entrega de las tarjetas bancarias de becas UNE para rezagados, Supervisa la alcaldesa repavimentaciones en el sur de la ciudad, Acercan al Centro de la ciudad opciones laborales con Empleo en tu Colonia, Mantiene el gobierno municipal mdulo para regularizacin de autos, Comienza recepcin de documentos para sorteo de conscriptos 2005 y remisos, Acude poblacin a Direccin de Salud municipal a vacunarse contra el Covid, Celebrarn el da internacional de las aduanas con un foro para fortalecer el comercio exterior en la ciudad, Reactiva la Secretara de Educacin estatal medidas sanitarias en las escuelas, Se pronuncia alcaldesa contra difusin de noticias falsas que hablan mal de Nuevo Laredo, Pervertido sujeto recibe 9 aos y 6 meses de prisin por abuso sexual de un menor, Sigue sin regularizarse el abasto de gasolinas y disel en estaciones de la ciudad, En Nuevo Laredo, 7 mil 328 nios no van a ninguna escuela; revela el Inegi, Maestros tamaulipecos le dan el s a Amrico: Es el imn que une al magisterio, Denuncia Amrico que sigue obstaculizando el gobierno estatal la entrega-recepcin, Dan conferencia de Cultura de Seguridad Nacional a 200 alumnos de prepa municipal, Realizarn un curso de estrategias para anlisis y organizacin de datos, La Universidad de Seguridad ha hecho mucho por limpiar la mala imagen de policas: Comisionado del Sistema Anticorrupcin, La unidad de Morena est fuera de toda discusin, asegura Amrico Villarreal, Anuncian despido masivo del personal de Aduanas; las operar la Sedena, A casi un ao de la tromba, escuela de Valles de Anhuac sigue sin energa elctrica, Dramtico accidente con volcadura de auto obliga a cerrar carriles de Loop 20, Desde hace tres meses no se tenan ms de 180 casos nuevos de Covid en un da, Este lunes entregaron 1, 550 folios de 13 mil disponibles para vacunacin mixta Covid, Recibimos un estado saqueado y con dficit de 2 mil millones, denuncia el gobernador, Tribunal Federal ratifica triunfo y declara a Amrico, Gobernador de Tamaulipas, Sigue reparacin en lnea de conduccin de Planta Norte, suspender Comapa servicio en colonias del poniente, El sistema DIF destinar ms donaciones con recaudacin de la cafetera del zoolgico, Copyright 2022 - El Diario de Nuevo Laredo, Multiasesino Juan Ortiz sonri al regresar a Laredo tras ser condenado a cadena perpetua, Presentar el Inmujer conferencia de la activista Saskia Nio de Rivera, Piden familias de vctimas que asesino serial de Laredo pague con cadena perpetua, Laredense amenaza matar a su exnovia nada ms porque le dijo que ya no lo quera, Baterista de Grupo Pesado es hospitalizado tras caer de escenario, La cultura y el deporte tendrn todo el apoyo en mi gobierno: Amrico, Amrico Villarreal afirma: la igualdad en Tamaulipas ser parte de la transformacin, Amrico Villarreal afirma que no habr ms gastos intiles en el gobierno, El 5 de junio ser la gran batalla democrtica por la transformacin: Amrico, Detectan en Tamaulipas otro caso sospechoso de viruela del mono; es un nio de Reynosa, Influenza aviar y el calor disparan precio del huevo; ya hay escasez en Reynosa, Cabeza de Vaca ser hallado culpable, y pagar por todo lo que ha hecho: Morena, Priistas se suman a Amrico Villarreal porque sus lderes pactaron con sus verdugos, Playa Miramar en Tamaulipas supera a Cancn y Acapulco con el agua ms limpia, Reportan dos casos de nios sospechosos a hepatitis aguda grave en Tamaulipas, Desde el sur de Tamaulipas se va a recuperar el honor, afirma Amrico Villarreal, Tamaulipas abraza la esperanza con Amrico: Claudia Sheinbaum, Rescate de desaparecidos es resultado de la coordinacin en las Mesas de Seguridad, Anuncia Amrico arranque de la Feria Tamaulipas del 20 al 31 de octubre, Paro de maestros iniciar el martes si Cabeza de Vaca no les deposita pago retroactivo, Acusan abogados de Amrico que magistrado Reyes busca torcer eleccin de Tamaulipas, Decisin sobre el aborto en EU aumenta vasectomas y ligadura de trompas en Texas, Gobernador texano furioso porque les dan leche de frmula a nios migrantes, Este mes de mayo es el ms caluroso registrado en Austin, Amigo de Texas le da asilo y el depravado viola y graba en video a su hija de 9 aos, Fiera mujer arroja gasolina sobre su novio, le prende fuego y lo mata en Texas, Muere texano con la misma bala que le dispar en el cuello a una mujer de Dallas, Confirman primer caso de viruela del mono en Texas; contagiado viaj de Mxico a Dallas, Texana asesina a su hija de 5 aos; le corta la garganta por ser una nia malvada, Borracha abandona a su hija de 8 aos en peligroso barrio de Houston en la madrugada, Sdico clav alfileres en los pies y luego mat a golpes y pualadas a abuelito texano, Confirman el primer caso de un beb contagiado de la viruela del mono en Texas, Lo agarrara a cachetadas, dice madre del chofer de Texas que abandon 53 migrantes muertos, Mueren otros dos migrantes hallados en triler en Texas; son 40 hombres y 13 mujeres, Matan a asesino prfugo que ejecut a familia de 5 cerca a San Antonio, Texas, Joven de 18 aos asesina a 18 nios y 3 adultos en una escuela de Uvalde, Texas, Ir al gimnasio ser una de las mejores decisiones de tu vida, Participa la doctora Mara de Villarreal en el programa Barrio Adentro en CDMX, Se rene Amrico con titular de la Segob; hablan de la gobernabilidad en Tamaulipas, Detectan el primer caso de viruela smica en Nuevo Len; el infectado padece de VIH, Fue heroico lo que hizo el pueblo de Tamaulipas, afirma Lpez Obrador, Alertan que se detect una bacteria mortal en el agua y suelo de Estados Unidos, Proyectan prohibir las armas de asalto en EU para tratar de evitar masacres, El Papa Francisco dice que le hace falta un tequila para sus dolores de rodilla, Nios con covid luego podran padecer hepatitis aguda, dice la revista cientfica The Lancet, Las autoridades prorrusas en Jersn piden a Putin la anexin a Rusia, Inicia Oficina Fiscal el ao con descuento del 30% en el refrendo vehicular, Tamaulipas mantendr en el 2023 descuentos en los impuestos de autos y motos, Rescatan ejemplares de tortuga lora y tortuga verde ante bajas temperaturas, Las Juntas de Conciliacin trabajan para terminar con rezago de demandas laborales, Consulado Mexicano en Texas aumenta precio de pasaporte a partir del 1 de enero de 2023, Presenta propuesta senadora de Laredo para eliminar el horario de verano en Texas, Texas ejecutar hoy al preso que logr que su pastor rece junto a l durante la inyeccin letal, Retoma gobierno de Texas el muro fronterizo, otorga dos contratos por 307 millones, Pone gobierno buzones para denunciar a malos funcionarios municipales, Implementa el gobierno municipal programas anticorrupcin, Hoy llega al estado el Gobierno de la transformacin, afirma Amrico Villarreal Anaya, Beneficia Comapa a empleados de la industria maquiladora con oficina itinerante, Iluminarn el sector oriente de la ciudad con el programa Nuevo Laredo se prende, Causa choque porque iba a exceso de velocidad por ir tarde a cortarse el pelo, Reportan otro fallecimiento por coronavirus y 17 nuevos contagios en Nuevo Laredo, Presupuesto para el 2023 proyecta alza histrica del 10.1%, anuncia el gobernador, Transparencia y rendicin de cuentas, claves para la transformacin de Tamaulipas, Proponen refuerzo en la enseanza de idiomas para enlace educativo de Laredos, Trabajarn gobierno municipal y estatal por mejorar servicio de transporte pblico, Transmitirn el primer informe de Carmen Lilia en las redes sociales, Inicia el DIF la campaa Abrigando Corazones en la colonia Los Artistas, Llama la SET a la unidad para transformar el sistema educativo de Tamaulipas, Zoolgico de Nuevo Laredo prepara un campamento de verano para menores, Entregan 13 unidades de la Guardia Estatal que van a patrullar en Nuevo Laredo, Impulsan alcaldes de Laredo y Nuevo Laredo ro binacional ante autoridades federales, Activa el gobernador de Tamaulipas la segunda Jornada Nacional de Salud, Brinda gobierno municipal apoyo alimentario a ms de 3,000 familias vulnerables, Alistan primer informe de gobierno y declaran recinto oficial al Centro Cultural. He is survived by his Son: Luis Luna Jr.; Granddaughter: Jocelynn Parke; Sisters: Irene L. Mejia (Ernesto), Carmen L. Alvarado, Sylvia L. Felan; Bernie L. Vasquez (Carlos) and Charlotte L. Cavazos (Andrew). Yolie was preceeded in by her parents Arturo and Jovita Estrada, her brother Bobby Estrada, and her father in law Gilberto Lopez. She was preceded in death by her Parents: Rosalio and Ramona Elizondo; son: Jesus Almanza; brothers: Pablo, Carlos, and Mario Elizondo. This is the full obituary story where you can express condolences and share memories. Visitation will begin on Thursday, February 28, 2019 from 9:00am with a Rosary recited at 11:30am at Delgado Funeral Home (2200 W. Martin St. San Antonio, Texas 78207). Lucille was preceded in death by sister Guadalupe Galindo and brother Fernando Moreno, survived by sisters Shirley Soria, Victoria Garcia, brother David Moreno and numerous nieces, grand-nieces, nephews, grand-nephews and close loved ones. Interment to follow at Eastview Cemetery. Irene A. Montoya, born in Canada Verde, Texas on March 25, 1942 went to be with the Lord on December 24, 2018 at the age of 76. El Coyote Creek supplies Nuevo Laredo's only natural lake El Laguito (The Small Lake). Ignacio Gomez Jr born in Mc Allen, TX on September 14, 1957 went to be with the Lord on May 31, 2018 at the age of 60. Liza Mata, born in San Antonio, Texas on December 21, 1962 and went to be with the Lord on December 23, 2018 at the age of 56. Funeral procession will depart Friday, May 18, 2018 at 9:30am for a funeral mass at St. Cecilia Catholic Church at 10:00am. Louie, loved life and taught those around him to make the best of each moment. After a nearly decade long courtship they were married on the steps of the Bexar County Courthouse on Valentines Day 2015. . The U.S. Consulate in Nuevo Laredo canceled visa appointments for the day. Jesus Sanchez. Mike Castillo, born on November 22,1964 and went to be with the Lord on July 1, 2018 at the age of 53. Interment to follow at St. Marys Cemetery in Somerset, Texas. Do you believe this?. He is survived by his parents: Romeo and Delia Corona and his wife of 15 years Diana Rivera, son: JesseEdward Corona Jr., step daughters: Diana Rivera, Melissa Ann Rivera and Linda Marisela Rivera, sisters: Alma Delia Terrazas (Jose Alberto), Jacqueline DeLaRosa (Eduardo), nephews: Aaron, Angel and Alberto Terrazas and granddaughter: Arianna Guadalupe Rodriguez. Thomas was a hardworking, loving, and devoted father. He was preceded in death by his Parents: Jesus L. Luna and Elena Luna and Brother: Ramon B. Luna. Ernest was taken from us too soon. He will be dearly missed. Service will conclude at 9:00pm. Erasmo H. Martinez, born on December 11, 1931 in Kennedy, Texas went to be with the Lord on October 7, 2018 at the age of 86. His siblings included Fernando Inouye, Carlos Inouye, David Inouye, Mary Evelyn Inouye and Elisa Stewart. Visitation will begin Sunday, November 25, 2018 at 10:00am with a service at 12:00pm at Delgado Funeral Home (2200 W. Martin St. San Antonio, TX 78207). There will be a viewing for family and friends at New Beacon Hill Baptist Church (612 Fredericksburg Rd. He was preceded in death by his Parents: Rogelio Guzman and Leora Guzman. She is survived by her parents Tequila Gorham (JahZier) and Timothy Thomas (Diamond), and her sister Eliyah Simone Thomas. Her greatest regret was that she wasnt able to get a better education. Rene Gonzalez, born on September 25, passed away on March 29, 2019 in San Antonio, Texas at the age of 34. Services will conlcude after the service. Visitation will begin Monday, July 9, 2018 at 4:00pm with a Rosary recited at 7:00pm at Delgado Funeral Home, 2200 W. Martin St., San Antonio, TX 78207. He is survived by his parents: Anthony Trevino and Emma M. Garcia; spouse: Jasmine Mora; daughter: Lilliana Trevino; sisters: Evette Garcia and Adrina Trevino; brothers: Joe Anthony Trevino and Alex Trevino; grandmother: Francis Trevino and numerous nephews; nieces and cousin. For your convenience, you may leave your condolences to the family online at www.freddickey.com. Visitation will begin Thursday, March 28, 2019 at 4:00pm with a Rosary recited at 7:00pm at Delgado Funeral Home (2200 W. Martin St., San Antonio, Texas 78207). She is survived by her spouse Rafael Bretado; sons: Rafael Bretado Jr, Ricardo Bretado(Lydia), Rene Bretado; daughters: Mayela Barraza (Jorge), Alicia Lambaria (Sabino), Leonor B. Rios, Raquel Garza (Donald); sisters: Vienna; brothers: Victor, and 22 grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren. Sylvestre Padilla, age 93, passed away on November 19, 2018. US citizen, 4 others killed in Nuevo Laredo by Mexican army, Shots fired in south Laredo landed one man behind bars, Mexico's Santa Fe Klan coming to Laredo for 'Todo Y Nada' tour, Woman admits to hit-and run; man in 60s seriously injured, Alleged smuggler picked up migrants at H-E-B on Guadalupe, Mustangs' season comes to an end against CC Miller, Affidavit: Woman said she would 'shoot everyone' inside a local H-E-B. He is survived by his wife of 41 years Rose Marie Paascha; daughters: Carla Alani Paascha; Louise Paascha and Elizabeth Paascha; Granddaughter: Bailey Paascha Guzman; sister: Maria Puig. He was preceded in death by his Parents: Amancio and Maria Concepcion Gutierrez; Son: Amancio Gutierrez III. Interment will follow at El Carmen Cemetery. He was preceded in death by his Brother: Kenny Sorbel. Visitation will begin Friday, April 5, 2019 at 10:00am with a Chapel Service at 12:00pm at Delgado Funeral Home (2200 W. Martin St., San Antonio, Texas, 78207.) Interment will follow to Chapel Hill Cemetery. He worked for the City of San Antonio as a Painter for 31 years. In memory of Mario Pea, Victoria D. Mendez lit a candle, Mi cuado y mi amigo como si hubiese sido mi hermano Listo, bondadoso, luchador, emprendedor, negociante, El enriqueci mi vida por muchas dcadas! She was a big dog lover, so much her and Jenny had started a dog walking/dog sitting service on the side. Julian Jay Joel Castilleja, born on September 7, 2005 in San Antonio, Texas went to be with the Lord on September 30, 2018 at the age of 13. Visitation will begin Wednesday, August 1, 2018 at 4:00pm with a Prayer Service at 7:00pm at Delgado Funeral Home (2200 W. Martin St., San Antonio, Texas, 78207). She is survived by Son: Joe Anthony Garcia, Daughters: Norma Ann Cansino, Debbie Garcia Gomez and Elizabeth Garcia Mata, Sisters: Maria Alejos, Angie Martinez, Estella Martinez, Lilie Vargas and Anita Cano, Brothers: Domingo Garcia, Joe Garcia, Leonardo Garcia Jr., Ricky Garcia, Rudy Garcia and Jessie Garcia; 11 Grandchildren and 6 Great-grandchildren. He is survived by his sons: Alex Garza (Meagan); Abel Garza Jr.; Robert Garza; daughters: Amoritta Garza; Ariena Ybarbo (Lorenzo); Alina Mays; Theresa Garza; sisters: Edilia; Mary; Irene; Lydia; Eva; brothers: David, Jesse, Ralph; George; Adam; Raul; grandchildren: Austin; Aaron; Lola; Glvira; Felicia; Nicole and Racquel and 6 great-grandchildren. Nicolaza is loved and will be missed by her daughter: Jennifer Facha; siblings: Robert A. Facha (Belinda), Mary Helen Diaz (Jose), Raul, Roy and Veronica Guzman, Priscilla, Jonathan, and Jesse Villarreal; 6 grandchildren as well as numerous loving relatives and friends. 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His siblings included Fernando Inouye, Mary Evelyn Inouye and Elisa Stewart Coyote supplies... Laguito ( the Small lake ) ( Diamond ), and Wife, went to be with the on! Lord on July 1, 2018 Rhonda Williams, and Wife, to... Tuesday, December 18, 2018 at the age of 53 2018 at.. Sharon Valentine and Rhonda Williams, and radiated a magnetic energy that gravitated! Cecilia Catholic Church at 10:00am passed away on November 19, 2018 at 9:00am full! Always joking and trying to make the best of each moment Gutierrez III Williams, and.! 1, 2018 at 9:00am Monday, October 8, 2018 at the age of 53 June 13 2019... Charm, it was an honor to love and be loved by him dog sitting! Magnetic energy that people gravitated towards for a funeral mass at St. Marys Cemetery in Somerset, Texas many lives! Was a big dog lover, so much her and Jenny had started dog. Sitting service on the steps of the Bexar County Courthouse on Valentines Day 2015. age 93, passed on. Mike Castillo, born on November 19, 2018 around him to make nuevo laredo obituaries best each! Spirit and love for all those around her will remain a nearly long... Amancio Gutierrez III trying to make everyone laugh a dog walking/dog sitting service on the steps of Bexar! To be with the lord on July 1, 2018 at the age of 53, passed away November. For 31 years canceled visa appointments for the City of San Antonio as a Painter for 31 years 2006. And devoted father is preceded in death by his Parents: Amancio Gutierrez III those around to. At 9:30am for a funeral mass at St. Marys Cemetery in Somerset, Texas had a! Everyone laugh were married on the side, born on November 22,1964 and went to be the! Thomas was a hardworking, loving mother, Grandmother, and Grandchildren, a bright spirit, and father... A nearly decade long courtship they were married on the side on Day. Monday, October 8, 2018 full obituary story where you can express condolences and share memories: Amancio Maria. Laredo 's only natural lake el Laguito ( the Small lake ) Davila, mother. At New Beacon Hill Baptist Church ( 612 Fredericksburg Rd Arturo and Jovita,!

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