So dad (Daed) and mom (Mamm) are capitalized in all usages. The pik refers to the person, not the bodypart. Godverdomme and klotzak seems to be almost all, and, truth be told, nothing, also not in British English, can come anywhere near to the wide-spread use of disgusting and gross swear-words and swearing in general by Hungarians. (this) Evening = dinohvet (See also Times of day). Ruler noun = da roolah (person with authority), Rules noun = di rools (guidelines set by someone in authority). Scheduled adj = beshteld (See also booked (adj)) (Technically a borrowed German word, but often used in print when talking about upcoming events.) Somewhere = eiyetzDu bisht am shaffa eiyetz es reeli laut is. )Macht da lesson faddich. phrase = Nett noch / Noch nettIch voah yushtnoch nettreddi fa tshaynshes macha in mei layva. The thing you have to know about godverdomme is that you can also just repeat it in the same word when you feel like uttering profanities. Check out the new guide. Godverdomme does not mean God damn me, but is derived from Godverdoemhet. I think jeetje comes from Jezus. The website may provide links to other websites on the Internet, the content of which is not in our control. The German swear word " Scheie! In 2017 people seem to dislike swear words and sex very much. Older adj = eldah (as in comparison to something else)Vi doon selli es eldah sinn shpiahra veyyich yungi?Ich binn eldah heit es ich voah geshtah!Sis hatt fa eldah vadda. 3. Content adj = zufriddaIch binn zufridda mitt vass ich habb. The spelling i know is not right but thats how it sounds in English. Not always, of course. I think this article about Dutch swear words is pretty mild. About prep (as in concerning or in regard to) (See also prepositions lesson guide). At least I know what klot sac is now. Nice blog you have here Can I add one Dutch swearword? See also us). Grown up adj = ufgvaxa (use with sei or vadda)Zayla dei kinnah goot bleiva vann si ufgvaxa sinn? The Watchtower (magazine) noun = Da Vatshtavvah. This swear word is often used when something is not going right, similar to how in English we might say f**k . Get out off of the road, verdomme. Dutch profanity? The frequency data is extracted from the English Wikipedia corpus, and updated regularly. It is only used when theres no other noun. For (it) = difoah (usually used when putting for at the end of a thought or sentence) (Compare with previously)Veah is da boi gmacht difoah? That has been used when something terribly went wrong. There are several insults in the Dutch language that are based on the disease known as cancer. Point noun = da pointVass is da mayn point? All such content is copyright Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and and used here under fair use. Based adj = gebaystDi bichah sinn gebayst uf medical research. Sense = sense (not sens)Dayts nett yusht sense macha? I have no idea how the words were spelled in Dutch, and my parents would never tell us what it meant, not even as adults. It is simply a glossary and Pennsylvania Dutch dictionary for language learning. Health adj = health (with another noun)Hosht du ennich health problems? Im a 36-year old Amsterdam native, and Ive never heard anyone use the term Franse Slag in my entire life. Its often the case that people combine the words together. Door (large) noun = es doah (a large door or gate). *Serious disclaimer: we know were having a laugh here, but especially using cancer/kanker in your Dutch swearing is more than frowned upon. Own pro = ayknesUf unsah ayknes kenna miah nettachtgevvauf alles. Have I verb = havvich (combination of habb ich; used after time words)Shpaydah, havvich en appointment.Vann ich 18 voah, havvich en latt zeit kshpend shaffa. Doubts noun = di doubts (pl)Ich kann dei questions ensahra vann du doubts hosht. Zakkenwasser (bags-washer or ballsack-washer, a Dutch favourite and meaning douchebag) Klootzak (Ballsack, this is one of the most common Dutch swear words against fellas, more or less the same as asshole) Kloothommel (scrotum bumblebee, we really like our junk here in the Netherlands) It's also used for third, unidentified persons: Laat ze opzoute! The Amish told me it means something but Im sure they are just messing with me. Bear verb = shtenda (as in to handle or stand a situation)Ich binn so hungahrich es ichs baut nett shtenda kann. Stale adj = ohgezowwaS broht is ohgezowwa. Lul is one of the many creative ways to curse at someone in Dutch. Rotterdam was botenwerkers Dutch swear words: the guide to insults and cursing in the Netherlands, Female and manly insults in the Netherlands, Appropriate alternatives to Dutch swear words, Foreign swear words in the Dutch language, Meet Sam: the stray who walked from Switzerland to the Netherlands, Police and demonstrators clash in The Hague after corona protest. After almost crashing into a bakfiets full of 2-year-olds, I had my first experience with Dutch swear words. Because after that, I promise you, if you keep your efforts, therell be a click, and suddenly you will find it easier to start talking, you will notice you understand people around you, you will lose the fear. In the US it's the religious right, in the UK it . Leave off verb = ablossa (as in not include)Du kanshts ablossa. It is pannenkoek and it is a pancake. Dein is an independent possessive pronoun. I know Ditza sounds vaguely like Dikzak which means Fatso (lit. Does any know what it means and how its actually spelled in Dutch? Otherwise, just use ich habb.Vass havvich gedu heit fa veisa es ich respekt habb fa anri?Ich habb mei shoo faliahra. That was years before I knew how to speak Dutch, so I was a bit confused because I thought she yelled out LOL!. The word "Dutch" in "Pennsylvania Dutch" is actually a holdover from the period when the word "Dutch" was used in English to describe things (including people and languages) that we now call German as well as things that we now call Dutch. This is not a complete dictionary, but a compliment to the Pennsylvania Dutch dictionary. Useful Pennsylvania German phrases. (in british: let them piss off) or a specific person: Eberhard moet opzoute! Strength noun = di graftEah is da vann es uns graft gebt. Pretty much every reference to a peoples looks, ethnicity, or profession is a personal attack and therefore an insult, not swearing or cursing. Choose from verb = raus laysa (pick out; select from)Ich habb di fauli aebbeahra raus laysa. Fair enough. He was also known to use ouwe hoer under his breath at my Oma lol. . A quick Google search revealed that high-levels of individualism and low levels of masculinity (see Hofstedes dimensions of culture), may explain why Dutchies are so keen to wish typhoid fever or tuberculosis uponpeople when they swear. Tough time phrase = tuffi zeit (as in a difficult, rough period of time; similar to haddi zeit). Your examples of mof, jew and kut marokaan are even worse and can be classed as discrimination, in the last instance its definately discrimination. Pannenkoek en poffertjes connoisseur/expert. Click above or below pictures Stop Being So Shussly Don't be so spastic Outen the Lights Turn off the lights The Baby's Grexy The baby's cranky Wootz A person who pigs out eating Wickter Victor Raisin Strop It's painted on the side of a car Fressing Binging on sweets Hurrieder The origin of this word is not known. Forenoon = fammidawk (See also Times of day). What is one of the things many people learn first when they learn a new language? swear words = vloekwoorden 2019 All Rights Reserved. vissa lossa can be used in a friendly way (let someone know something) or an unfriendly way (let them know it) depending on the context. DutchReview,of course, does not condone the use of any of the following Dutch curse words, profanity or phrases. Since, like all expats, I translate every word before I express myself, it just sound ridiculous. Wasted adj = gwaystSo feel ess-sacha is gwayst. Beneath it / under it = unna drohGukk an di piktahs un vasss sawkt unna droh. Sad adj = sad (not bedrohwa)Zvay leit es reeli sad voahra. Someone casually mentions that Jar-Jar Binks and the Ewoks are an adequate addition to the Star Wars saga. / right? At least I know what klot sac is now. Hmm, I kinda like klootviool (see kloothommel here above) and gratekut is also a very apt description for an anorexia suffering female basket case. The phrase nett noch (or noch nett) can be used by itself as a sentence, or included as part of a sentence. (Eberhard, -Amsterdam mayor- must fuck off). greeya is the verb in the phrase, so it gets conjugated to the proper pronoun. Found adj = kfunna (used with sei or vadda)Sis s information es kfunna is in di library. Reacted verb = reactVi henns mensht leit react zu deah message? Tobacco noun = da doowak (not doovak or duahk), Tomorrow morning = meiya free (See also Times of day), Tonight = dinohvet (See also Times of day). That word I should not say here in the States. Day adj = dawk (as in daylight, daytime)Ich zayls du veils dawk is. Desire noun = da villa Vi vissa miah es Gott nett sei villa getshaynsht hott fa mensha? Noisy adj = yachtichDi boova sinn yachtich alli-moll es si Mt Dew henn. Post noun = da pohsta (as in a fence post), Post verb = posta (as to mail something like a letter or post it to the internet). Were just trying cover as many aspects of Dutch culture for you, our international reader fan-base. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, the publisher cannot accept responsibility for omissions and errors. Loaf noun = da layb (as in bread) compare with lion (noun)Ich habb en layb broht gebakka.Miah henn fimf layb broht. That is like using Santa Claus as a swear word. The full expression would be God verdomme het (God damn it). Rely verb = releiyaMiah missa releiya uf unsah eldra vann miah baybes sinn. Anyway my opinion about the Dutch using diseases in their cursing is because there are not many other taboos left in The Netherlands. If you are dissatisfied with the website or any content or materials on it, your sole exclusive remedy is to discontinue your use of the website. Ask verb = frohwa (see also question verb)Miah frohwa dich fa ohhalda may lanna veyyich sell. If you just care about the words' direct semantic similarity to pennsylvania dutch, then there's probably no need for this. Unless = unni(See also without)Unnis shunsht sawkt sinn di vadda gnumma funn dee buch. downie means downie and is used when some one acts very stupid. Where as schelden it purposefully insulting someone with the intend to hurt their feelings. I havent been able to find a translation as I wasnt sure of spelling. When using doht without a noun, include the form of sei depending on the pronoun.Vann du bisht doht Da giant is doht uf da bodda kfalla! business names, or pet names), this page might help you come up with ideas. There are two definitions for the word "ouch," but we're specifically referring to the phrase that you utter (with or without swear words) when you experience sudden pain. The English mode of swearing is just a bunch of what used to be regarded as impolite or dirty words. 28 March 2000. Eikelsounds like tzeikel when she says it! Pa Dutch Welcome Hoof Tee Pa Dutch ghost Buy at Amazon. Dutch swear words: Opzoute (n)! This is a Pennsylvania Dutch dictionary with words and phrases currently used by native speakers. German speakers use it a lot as an equivalent to " Dammit !" in English when they are angry, frustrated, or surprised " Oh . Vi reddi es ich vatt. Another = nochSell is noch en reesin es miah shaffa free mieyets. Think of it as more playful than hurtful. Meaning noun = di mayningSell gebt mei layva en rechti mayning. . A popular Amsterdam word to say 'go away' is opzoute! But kloot is the same kloot as in klootzak. Younger (people) noun = di yingahri (can be used alone)Di eldri sinn dankboah fa di yingahri iahra hilf. etc phrase = un so veidah (and so forth; and so on). Though it is widely believed that the Dutch in Pennsylvania Dutch is due to a mistranslation of the word Deitsch (or Deutsch, in standard German), that is not correct. Reddi fas ausboviahra? There are not many printed sources in Pennsylvania Dutch, because it is primarily a spoken dialect, but there are some that will help you become a fluent reader. So whether you want to yell at a misbehaving Brit in Amsterdam, or you want to deepen your Dutch-learning experience, here well show some of the best Dutch swear words. Recently = katzlichVass hott di Becky yusht katzlich gedu katt? The term rutsching utilizes the English suffix "ing," Butch Reigart, the dialect teacher. All material on this website (DutchReview) is strictly copyrighted and all rights reserved. Outen the lights. Sis niemand do.---There's nobody here. We say [God] damn [it] (the -s on damn is missing), not God damns it (indicative mood), expressing a hope or a wish, similar to Long live the king or Bless you (after sneezing). (as in one of our relatives)S mensht leit shteahra bei dee goodi sacha sheira mitt iahra friends addafreindshaft. Although I was raised bilingual and have spoken Dutch all my life, I was around thirteen years old when I first realized how much (a rather great deal) of my Dutch vocabulary was, to put it mildly, impolite.Since then, I have learned a great deal more about the ruder and cruder . Swear words are cultural phenomena. Did we cross the line? Used the word klootzak ik my last Dutch lesson thinking it had another meaning than scrotum , klootzak (loosely translated means asshole or literally translated means scrotum bag), one of my fav . Loud adj = laut (Compare with sound (verb) and out loud)Sellah hund is laut! In fact, you should only use these if youre alone in your room and theres no around you in a radius of 50km. Here are some examples of both singular and combined swear words with their rough translations: Whether you shout the disease when you stub your toe or suggest that someone has the disease, disease related swear words used to be very popular but have started to go a bit out of fashion, especially kanker (cancer). . Do you know these Untranslatable Dutch words? Byebye, [] You will often get frustrated because at the beginning the learning process is fast, and then you seem to reach a point where you are stuck. Argument noun = da argumenten grohsah argument. 2023 Learn Pennsylvania Dutch, Read, write, and speak Pennsylvania Dutch, Watchtower Online Library (Pennsylvania Dutch version), Shtill vs Alsnoch vs Noch vs Doch language lesson, After (following right after / immediately or next) = nohch, Allowed = alawbt (in reference to commands or laws), (eah/see) apreeshayt (can also be used with, kommini (with f and pl nouns) (less common), Eat = fressa (animals; or jokingly when a person eats like an animal) (See also, nevlich (when speaking about the weather), dufftich (as in, fogged up; glasses, windows, etc), from = funn (to introduce a noun; most common), from = difunn (at the end of sentence or thought), live = layva (to exist) (not to be confused with, live = voona (to dwell or reside somewhere), When talking about more than one loaf, you do not need to make, it matters = es macht ebbes aus / s macht ebbes aus, it doesnt matter = es macht nix aus / s macht nix aus. However, for the sake of this article, we'll focus on more family-friendly Dutch curse words and Dutch insults. Stand verb = shtenda (as in to bear or handle a situation)Eah kann nett shtenda si sayna so hungahrich sei. Ask me how to make the perfect guacamole, and about the hot spots in The Hague. Better (thing) noun = bessahs (a better thing. (to my personal distaste). neuken ist fantatiche Today in the US, Pennsylvania Dutch is spoken by an estimated 300,000-350,000 Amish and conservative Mennonites, in 31 US states - mainly Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, and Wisconsin. Profanity in the Netherlands, the unholy grail of the Dutch pronunciation challenge. I hope this list of pennsylvania dutch terms was useful to you in some way or another. Not the same as to cut or saw wood. Saw verb = sayya (as in to cut up wood. Godverdomme I love the Dutch swear words. One pro = vann (when refering to another person). If you have any feedback for the site, please share it here, but please note this is only a hobby project, so I may not be able to make regular updates to the site. S mensht leit shteahra bei dee goodi sacha sheira mitt iahra friends addafreindshaft ouwe hoer under his breath my! Sacha sheira mitt iahra friends addafreindshaft went wrong cover as many aspects Dutch... ), this page might help you come up with ideas # x27 ; is!... Sounds vaguely like Dikzak which means Fatso ( lit Unnis shunsht sawkt sinn vadda. Up adj = yachtichDi boova sinn yachtich alli-moll es si Mt Dew henn vass Ich habb gebt! Combine the words together probably no need for this iahra hilf goot bleiva vann ufgvaxa! Slag in my entire life in some way or another daytime ) Ich binn so hungahrich es ichs baut shtenda. ( lit uns graft gebt for omissions and errors like using Santa as. Daylight, daytime ) Ich kann dei questions ensahra vann du doubts Hosht ) Zayla dei kinnah goot vann! 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pennsylvania dutch swear words