A tee-shirt and undies is a Sleeping Uniform for many women, another fact. Shan'ann Watts -Autopsy,grave details.Graphic! There was a largely decomposed fetus expelled from the uterus. Addendum: The cadaver dog wasaso very interested in the washing machine and his handler, Jayne, says quite clearly that her dog has scented death by the machine (check the K9 video, but watch the volume, the cadaver dogs bark is quite shrill! @nickdvl. He says with a halphazard yeah she was like for sure gone, she was blue, and no beats, no breaths, nothing. This autopsy is performed at the request of the Weld County Coroner, State of Colorado. I was near death before my ex took his hands off my neck. One of the predatory marketing techniques used by MLMs (which overwhelmingly target MOMs) is that they can be at home *with* their children, making extra money with little effort. GPS from Watts work truck led police to the oil well. In the 2000 page report that was released they pose the theory that she may have been asleep while attacked. When youre pregnant you do, breasts get tender and the extra support helps. etc. Did anyone explain that? PLEASE know, all of these words are helping me to work through an event that is really messing with my head. He organized the bins in the basement. My husband and I wrestle and if he sits on my chest with my arms by my side, I cant move. Then probably went to bed & I guarantee he was in their bed not in the basement & this made her happy. In the case of Lacey Peterson, fecal matter *was* found in the house. People with OCD have rituals. He needed to be executed. I own this site, and have posted hundreds of blogs, and written 4 books on the Watts case. I would say the asshole probably turned them over or put the comforter over their faces and did it that way. At least I would have. She was organized but that is not OCD, same as me. Celeste and Bellas bodies were each inside one of the tanks. Thankyou. I took a lot of interest in the K9 footage as I had a SAR Shore Rescue dog for 13 years (best nose in Cornwall). Shanann was discovered in a "foetal position" in a shallow grave, while her two young daughters were found in "crude oil sludge". The autopsy results aren't available, but the funeral and grave site suggest that Niko's remains were either removed, destroyed or buried with his mother. She wouldnt have gone to bed without her phone. Do you think she was murdered elsewhere? Whereas if he left at lets say 3 am. @huey Please read todays post where it reads If the children had cold pizza for tea at 7pm, that means they were still alive until at least 11pm. Wow, you are really reaching here. Plenty of women do. Shanann had extensive injuries to her neck. Watts claimed that he snapped and strangled his wife when he found her murdering the girls, but he later pleaded guilty to all three murders. The only thing that could have screwed with this is that $69 charge to the Lazy Dog. Or even creepier, but fitting the narcissist he is, asked her to lie down and talk to him, maybe even told her he was sorry and wanted to try and work things out and then pinned her down and strangled her. Addition. Shanann is very OCD [McKenna Lindstrom, the babysitter]. Googled ways to suffocate children? This guy had some sort of mental problem. read befor comment on subjectit is well describedecomposition did this. Otherwise I cant imagine why she didnt go for his eyes etc. He is very thorough, very professional, analyses and peels back all the layers. He wanted out, didnt want the baby., and took the cowards way. The autopsy noted that recovered items included oil soaked pink pajama type top with images of hearts and butterflies and a pair of oil soaked underwear.. Diana, this is something several of us have noted as well. A persons muscles relax upon death, including the sphincter. No, so you have same information that anyone else has. Shanann Was Wrapped in a Sheet & Buried in a Shallow Grave That Watts Dug With a Shovel Police reportsThe crime scene. He knew that he would be at those oil tanks by himself that morning. He then "went into a rage," he claimed, and strangled her to death in retaliation. IF the girls were sedated (with ShanAnns leftover oxycodone) before suffocation, it would have been very easy to make sure they were both in diapers CeCe was still wearing nighttime diapers at least, and these would have served for an incapacitated Bella they didnt need to be the right size, since she wouldnt be moving around. I dont think enough people are looking at the theory that Chris had flipped a switch with her in the days leading to her death. Time needed to cause petechiae is; Fifteen to thirty seconds (Anscombe and Knight 1996); Ten to thirty seconds (Plattner et al 2005); Fifteen seconds maximum (Copley & Kozam 1951) using the capillary fragility test; Shortly after gravity inversion in healthy individuals (Friberg & Weinreb 1985) Chris cleaned all that up so quickly and completely?. Then he asks to talk to his dad. Anyway, either you get it, or you dont. The kids had two wack jobs for parents. Thats why the strangulation was gentle, not violent, as the hyoid was not broke, and there were no defensive wounds to her or him. He didnt know what to do and was shaking. My youngest daughter slept in a bra as well. Even with Bella, no screaming brain said , this is your Bella!! Shanann's autopsyconcluded that her cause of death was asphyxiation due to manual strangulation. in any case, who the hell trusts anything coming from Chris Watts? would that be a normal time for Chris to leave for work? He asked one time if he should go look for his familyhe did not ask again about looking and he did not seem overly concerned, the police report said. The floors in the closets had a lot of junk on them, her nightstand drawer was a mess. He didnt flip. I am 57, I weigh 132 lbs.. .,,, I had my husband straddle my chest and pin my arms down and Im telling you right now, I could not move. Youre not Shanann Watts. Yes, Posted Youtube videos shows that her office was messy. Thoughts? @Kaye Im thinking the girls were killed after Shanann because he knew she would look in on them, perhaps kiss them, before turning to bed herself.>>>When he murdered Shanann, how do you think he did it? The girls were wearing nightgowns, Cece a pink nightgown with birds on it, and Bellas nightgown had a unicorn or believe on it. And the life insurance policies out on the 3 girls, not sure Nico yet, was not very much at all. Here is what the International OCD Foundation says. The autopsy reports for Shanann Watts and her two young daughters show that all three were asphyxiated to death, and it's probable that 4-year-old Bella Watts fought for her life.. Kinda odd. She tells him youll never see the kids again he flips, kills her and poor little Bella sees it. Yes, there is a way to test whether bodies could be placed through the Thief Hatch with [or possibly without] breaking bones but youre not going to like it, Welcome to the Post Truth Phase of the Chris Watts Case, Exclusive Interview with the Lindstrom Couple, Proof The Third Baby Was All Chris Watts Idea, The Final Three Weeks of the Phone Data Review #2YearsAgoTodayCW. She said he was telling people he has to go to work and that just doesnt seem right. The bra thing means nothing, my daughter is big busted as well and slept in her bra when she was pregnant because her breasts that were tender were less bothersome at night if she wore one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYC7bHIzuqE. He eventually disappeared for long time, gave me house. Her friend had to tiptoe around the place when she stayed over for fear of waking the kids up. I meant three perfectly formed humans. Thats fine, but since thats the case, its better that you head elsewhere where youll feel more comfortable. I do know a lot of women who do this also. These are just my opinions (based on zero knowledge). It is a condition that causes you to have irrational and uncontrolled thoughts, and the only way to make the thoughts stop, is to perform a ritual. Chris probably told shannan that shed never see the kids again.. Thus, the little girls may have been unconscious but they were NOT COMPLETELY DEAD YET.and that is how oil got into their LUNGS !!!!!!!!! Jami I have 1 question for you. 100% agree. Have you interviewed anyone for your books? Good point! Was the examiner not able to determine the order in which Shanann and the girls were killed? Unless he threw it there and forgot to take it and planned on ridding of it. Chris Watts strangled and smothered his pregnant wife Shanann, 34, to death, before strangling their daughters Bella, 4, and Celeste, 3, with a blanket in 2018. Mark, that is really interesting! If you cant respect others in their opinions and input, youre definitely not intelligent. I mean, nothing can be done of course, it is done and is over of course, I am stating the very obvious. through the skin in heated arguments which are undetectable to the human nose in the same way attraction pheromones are undetectable to our noses ). Similarly, the anxiety caused by these obsessions can be lessened by different compulsions, such as checking (e.g., re-checking door locks, repeatedly making sure the oven is off), repeating (e.g., doing the same action or ritual over and over to be sure it was done correctly), and counting (e.g., doing things in certain numbers, counting items to certain numbers). I honestly believe Chris smothered them all with ethanol soaked cloths. Heartbreaking evidence photos and video of stained shirt, underwear and bra Shanann Watts was wearing when her husband murdered her, wrapped her in a sheet and put her in shallow grave The. So wheres the problem here? Her office was described as unorganized and sort of messy, as were closets, drawers, and things out of sight. Had he planned this out, he would have killed them earlier, left in the middle of the night, in the dark, to dispose of the bodiesnot as the sun was coming up as seen in the tape. If this is true, what a sad sad world we live in for the love of money is the root of all evil. I have a question. I hope this is okay, Nick the way the financial counselor walks the wife through her options is important to understand and doesnt appear to detract from your sites mission and goals. In the video of Chris Wattss confession, previously published on CrimeOnline, investigators appear incredulous that he was able to fit the bodies into the tanks, but Watts claimed he was able to do so without difficulty. Anyways, interesting theories guysthanks! I dont think I know everything, but I do know more about this case than most. Theres also a serious fundamental problem with your theory, which goes to the forensics. As far as the OCD I dont believe she had it. But legally it was in Chriss name. I think His story is believable. On top of that, he had to forcibly PUSH Bella down into the oil tank, because she was larger than the 8 inch diameter oil tank hole to fit through please answer why? Also, he usually goes to the office in the morning and then goes out to the sites but the night before he called and told a coworker he was going to the site. And about the **bra thing** (on or off, sleep or not), well this is a big deal to me, because I think it can be considered an indicator as to time of death, or at least, it can confirm she had the chance to get out of the clothes she came home in before she was attacked and killed. He also is the male submissive in F/m relationships. Please explain. give me a break. He has proven to be a pathalogical liar and nothing he has said before or after his conviction can be proven as truth. In the first half of this demo, you have them face to face when the attack occurs. If the girls were dead by ca. A monster! GREELEY, Colo. Authorities have released the autopsy reports for Shanann, Bella and Celeste Watts, who were murdered by Christopher Watts in August. The mark on his neck might have been from Bella; Shanann had really long nails. On page one of the report in the list of Diagnoses, it states:- (Oh and the bra with pregnant women 100% The T and underwear sleep outfit? I love the way people just make things up and state it as fact, even when it completely opposes evidence in the case. Neither of them passed any body fluids. Very CW. 19th Judicial District Attorney Michael Rourke said that Watts totally and deliberately ended four lives, smothering the girls. Why was the oil/sludge found in Bellas stomach? Very hard to think a dad can do that but my ex just turned, didnt want any of his family anymore and still has very little contact for the past 8 years. I am very new to this case, only a couple of months ago, end of November 2020 to be precise. Watts, a 33-year-old Colorado oil worker, killed his wife, Shanann, who was 15 weeks pregnant, along with his two daughters aged three and four on August 13, 2018. She also could not stand Shannan. Sounds like a good theory except that Bella did fight for her life as the coroner explained by the hole in her frenulum, the biting of her tongue & insides of her cheeks. Shanann was found in a shallow grave at an oil site near the drums. All those purchases, that expensive leased SUV that LeVel would only give her a car allowance for if she kept her sales up, the expensive preschool, the too-big house with all the fancy furnishings, several closets full of expensive shoes-shoes-shoes (yet she wore the same pair of flipflops every day), multiple purses, more clothes than one person could possibly be using, on and on and on. Look up alcohol levels in postmortem state. Typo. Watts has since pleaded guilty to killing his wife and daughters, as well as a charge of unlawful termination of a pregnancy. Do you think that maybe she was actually just unconscious? If Chris *hadnt* killed them, would he have gone to so much trouble to hide the bodies? I know that OCD was mentioned on several instances in the Discovery by those who knew her, but do they have the qualifications to make that diagnosis? He was photographed head to toe upon booking & was found to have no offensive wounds on him anywhere. You know theres plenty of that right? I didnt see any evidence that Shanann tried to defend herself, probably because he sat on top of her. So what are you saying? Would love your thoughts, please comment. Do you think CW could have strangled her from behind? I think she was killed in the basement, just by the bottom of the staircase, by the fridges and the area where they stored old rope. It was a matter of how they were immersed in the oil. Chris Watts' plan was to make his family disappear. Mark your theory makes a lot of sense. However, the autopsy does not detail the size or spacing of these marks sufficiently to form an educated opinion. Did she even go upstairs to sleep? She didnt nick him in the neck, that mark was not from her nails. If the digestive tract opens up at death, where did Shannan, Bella and Celeste poop? I was in Colorado in the area on vacation the week this happened last August and the whole thing is sickening and deeply troubling to me. He said in his admissions that she deficated during the murder in thier bed, where he wrapped her in a sheet and moved her to the floor immediately- where he was interrupted by the girls waking up (after his first attempt to kill them by suffocating them in thier sleep)- the girls were killed in his truck CeCe was wearing a diaper, so even if she had deficated or urinated it would be unclear after days in the crude oil.. And Bella was likely not dead but simply unconscious again when he dumped her body- therefore, even if she did relax enough to evacuate her bowels and bladder- it wasnt until she was in the crude oil tank. If you look at the autopsy report she has purple round spots on 1 side of her face from the chin to the temple which could be his knuckles from a punch as well as a 1 handed strangulation. Chris cleaned all that up so quickly and completely? He had a plan to kill them all, all along. They are finger prints from his hands. I am in Australia and I came across this story by accident and I am just horrified. Im sure he didnt want any questions from her or to talk about anything. But think about it. He stated in a letter to the reporter woman that he remembers her face streaking with mascara and blood filling her eyes. A . It just seems to me that Bella would actually have had to swallow the oil to get it into her stomach. He said he didnt hurt Shannan just as much, Ive read all the transcripts. If they were pliable makes me wonder if they were not deceased that long before he was able to shove them into the tanks. Thats inaccurate. If Shanann tried to claw his neck I would think he would have cuts there. What is going on?? We know that she went to her office and attempted to order haircare products, and in the welfare check footage you can clearly see a large dark blanket on the sofa, and two small pink chair beds by the side of the sofa. Its what seems to make sense, based on the info we recently learned. Shanann Watts. Amy thoughts on her? Was Niko Buried With Shan'ann Watts? I am new to this case, a couple of months of watching/listening to your videos Nick, and I am now working my way through your books. https://www.childrenshospital.org/conditions-and-treatments/conditions/e/esophageal-strictures, a medical history significant for peanut allergies. Netflix viewers believe a murdered wife sent police a clue from beyond the grave after spotting something "creepy" in the doco about her brutal murder at the hands of her cheating husband. Why was her phone downstairs along with suitcase. In theory, you should find some evidence, which did not find. I actually don't understand this and would think the opposite would actually be true. Thankfully that psych warned me I should take the children somewhere to be safe. When people die, sudden or expected, contents of their bowels and bladder are expelled. She texted her GF talking about her being a single mom when she separated from Chris. And to think CW called a co-worker @ 5pm to tell him that he would be going directly to the oil battery site and told the co-worker he didnt need to. Also, if memory serves, CW did at least one load of laundry on the night in question. He was holding me down by sitting on me, one leg on each side of my stomache. The body is that of a well-developed, well-nourished Caucasian female whose appearance is generally consistent with the Jayne is an EXTREMELY experienced K9 handler she can be seen in action in the Docu-Movie Missing 411. Since its clear CW is a flagrant coward, I am finding it hard to imagine him having enough courage to have looked at her eye to eye while he was strangling her. One of the unknowns in this case is why Watts did what he did. He cared more about his 2 month relationship with that home wrecker then the 6 years he spent with his wife and the lives of his children. In the autopsy Shannan was found to be still wearing a bra. Here is the parts in Shanann's autopsy report that says the stuff about how her hair was sloughing, that she had skin slippage & bloating/decomposing had started. What do you think about the 8 inch thief hatch, and the narrowest section of Ceecees hips being 9.5 inches, according to the autopsy? He was presented with evidence before the plea deal, and we dont know the content of those conversations. D: Oil, water and sludge debris was found in her stomach. It takes 2-4 min for a person to die from smothering or strangulation. Everyone tho he was great guy. Shanann had only (ap autopsy) "probable bruising on the anterior subcutaneous neck tissue" sweetbreez 4 yr. ago Like the previous commenter said, LE explained that it had to do with her being buried in the sand vs the oil. One thing that was truthful that came out of NKs mouth was that he lied about everything. I also believe Shanann was also sleeping when the attack occurred which could explain her lack of putting up a fight. Chris went to an oil well job site to check out it. Shananns Blood Alcoholic Content was 0.128. This is from the transcript of the Larry King Live show covering Scott Petersons conviction in the death of his pregnant wife Lacey thats Dr. Henry Lee, a forensic scientist: KING: If there were smothering, would there have been evidence? What information to that extent do you expect *an autopsy* to provide?? 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shannan watts autopsy