Viewed in cross section, the discolored wood is wedge shaped with the point of the wedge extending toward the center of the trunk or branch. Usually, plant bugs go through only one generation per year, and adults are present throughout the summer. The distinctive look of sycamore tree bark makes them easy to identify in deciduous forests or parks. Since the disease typically attacks American sycamore trees, try planting a London plane tree or an Oriental plane tree, which are usually resistant to sycamore anthracnose. Once the tree is well established it is fairly drought tolerant, but if given plenty of water they can grow 30ft in 5 years 8. The adult female lays eggs on the leafs undersurface, attaching them with brown sticky material. spp. Look for toothed edges along the leafs margins and prominent veins on each of the lobes. Next page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 There are about six species of sycamore trees in the Platanus genus. As the tree ages, the thin papery bark tends to peel away from the trunk. It creates sunken lesions and discolored, flaky bark. Arizona sycamore (Platanus wrightii) tree. Sycamore, oaks, maple, pecan, golden raintree, ash, walnut. Sycamore trees grow to between 100 and 130 ft. (30 40 m) tall. The disease is sycamore anthracnose and it is a fungus that attacks new leaves and twigs in the spring when the weather is cool and moist. This information is supplied with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement of brand names or registered trademarks by the Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service is implied, nor is any discrimination intended by the exclusion of products or manufacturers not named. American sycamore trees thrive in full sun and grow best in USDA zones 4 9. Cankers may become 20 to 40 inches long in one year, but usually only two inches wide. Insecticides are also available. California sycamore tree leaves become orangey-yellow in the fall. Key Plant: Sycamore (Platanus spp. Infected leaves become distorted and may turn yellow and drop. Annual treatments may be required. Insects bother the sycamore tree. As with all species of sycamore, Platanus mexicana grows near rivers and streams. Defoliation may occur. Sycamore trees are very susceptible to pests. Avoid spreading canker and wood decay fungi by disinfecting garden implements. Sooty Blotch (fungus Gloeodes pomigena): Sometimes forms on shoots of sycamore. Sycamore Anthracnose (fungus Gnomonia plantani): Sometimes called blight and scorch. The annual fruiting structure is a white, rounded, spongy mass with long, slender white teeth on the bottom. However, once established, these sycamores are drought-resistant and thrive in full sun. American sycamore trees mainly grow in the eastern United States. Stewarts is a professional service company serving: Salt Lake City, Orem, Provo, Payson, Spanish Fork, Springville, Lindon, Pleasant Grove, American Fork, Cedar Hills, Highland, Alpine, Lehi, Draper, South Jordan, West Jordan, Herriman, Sandy, Midvale, West Valley, and other cites in the great state of Utah. These patches may coalesce (grow together) to form a thin powdery layer on the plant surface. eds. Sycamore maple trees are enormous trees. Some fungal diseases only cause mild problems, while others can kill tree branches and severely damage trees. The undersurface turns brown when bruised and is a favorite medium for artists. When trees are stressed by drought, the fungus invades the sapwood, decaying it extensively and cutting water supplies to the canopy. Stewarts is a proud Utah company, owned and operated by the Stewart family since 1972. Old World sycamore (Platanus orientalis) tree. The irregular mottling on the tree reveals white or gray bark underneath. The sycamore maple leaves grow up to 6 (15 cm) across. Spores from the fungus can be spread by rain and wind. Lesions on leaves that are black or brown in color. It can cause black spots on the leaves, which turn brown and drop off. Black fungal fruiting structures are visible on the bark covering newly killed twigs early in the spring. The leaves are of length 6" and when the tree is fully grown it has a highly dense look. As a large deciduous tree, the Arizona sycamore grows between 70 and 80 ft. (20 24 m). This disease can kill twig tips, expanding to buds, new shoots, and leaves. This fungus causes a raised shiny black spot to appear on the leaves of the host trees. Its most recognizable feature is its bark that peels away as the trunk expands, revealing the white, tan, and green inner bark. Many of our sycamore trees exhibited this damage in 2020 and have since re-foliated. They have large lobed maple-like leaves, attractive patchwork bark, and masses of thin branches. Sycamore trees are vulnerable to pests and diseases, but a fungal infection is the most frequent issue. Getting rid of a tree fungus is a 3 step process. Download Save for later Print Updated: July 31, 2016 Skip to the end of the images gallery Skip to the beginning of the images gallery Anthracnose on leaves and twig. Of the 10 species of sycamore (Platanus species), one species, American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis), and one hybrid, London plane tree (Platanus x acerifolia) are common in South Carolina. Powdery mildew thrives in humid conditions. A. platanoides. The sinuses or indentations between lobes are shallow. The trees are drought-tolerant and thrive in full sun in USDA zones 7 to 9. Call an arborist, or tree expert, to help you diagnose and treat the disease. Oldest leaves brown along their margins and eventually between the veins beginning in mid to late summer on one branch or a few branches on inner and lower portions of the tree. However; it can be treated. Sycamore anthracnose is a disfiguring disease of sycamore and plane trees ( Platanus sp.) Looking at pictures of English sycamore trees, youll notice coarse marginal teeth on the leaf margins. Here are three of the most common: Youll learn how to identify and treat these problems in this post. Some of the most common ones include: An afflicted trees leaves, twigs, and buds are all affected by this fungus disease. Have you heard of the problems with the sycamore? Sycamore trees are generally easy to identify due to their bark that peels away, revealing whitish or orangey patches. Dead twigs and branches have sunken cankers. Sycamores have strong wood with several uses, but as the tree ages, a fungus attacks and consumes the heartwood. It is caused by the fungus Apiognomonia veneta (asexual stage Discula platani). ): Heart rot fungi can hollow out the entire central cylinder of a tree. After hatching, sycamore plant bug larvae feed on tree leaves, creating holes that eventually cause the leaves to look skeletonized and fall off the tree early. It is often seen clinging to a streambank with its roots exposed on the muddy bank. However, certified arborists can perform annual root flare injections of antibiotic treatments using oxytetracycline (such as Bacastat), which can reduce symptoms by suppressing the pathogen. Oriental planetree leaves have five or seven lobes with serrated edges. Sycamore tree leaves: Old World sycamore trees have thick large, dark-green leaves up to 10 (25 cm) wide. Seeds of sycamore are arranged in V-shaped pairs. If you have heavy rains, then check the tree for signs of mold and disease when the weather clears. Common Problems With Sycamore Trees: Learn About Sycamore Tree Pests And Disease ( One of the most striking features of this tree is its bark, which has a camouflage pattern consisting of gray-brown wood beneath a layer of gray-brown bark that peels off in patches. In addition to suffering from this environmental stress, sycamores trees have also been troubled by fungi this spring. For small trees, spring applications of chlorothalonil, thiophanate-methyl, or copper fungicides may protect the tree from the disease. The leaves grow in a staggered, alternating pattern along tree stems. Overall, sycamore tree leaves have an oval shape with pointed lobes and they resemble maple leaves. Common name: sycamore Scientific name: Acer pseudoplatanus Family: Sapindaceae Origin: non-native These broadleaf trees can grow to 35m and live for 400 years. In late summer, small, pinhead-sized black structures may develop on the whitish-gray patches. of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Clemson UniversityClyde S. Gorsuch, PhD, Emeritus Faculty, Entomology, Clemson University, Joey Williamson, PhD, HGIC Horticulture Extension Agent, Clemson University. It produces two kinds of asexual spores; one, long and clear; the other, short and brownish. Mexican sycamore trees thrive in full sun and are suitable for growing in zones 5 to 9. The spores attach themselves to the new leaves . Anthracnose (Leaf & Twig Blight): Anthracnose is the most serious disease of American sycamore but generally causes only minor damage to the London plane tree. The seeds disperse easily in spring when the brown balls fall to the ground. Sycamore tree leaves: American sycamore tree leaves are an ovate shape with three or five lobes and they have medium to dark green color. Informational table showing disease name, symptoms, pathogen/cause, and management of Sycamore diseases. A Sycamore tree makes a handsome shade tree for large landscapes. These are black shoestring like rhizomorphs and a white fan-shaped fungus growth. Spots are brown with darker border on lower surface. Sycamore tree bark: California sycamore tree bark has a patchy look combining colors such as tan, pinkish-gray, white, and beige. Sycamore tree bark: American sycamore tree bark is reddish-brown that peels off in long strips. The most common sycamore trees are the American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis), Mexican sycamore (Platanus mexicana), and California Sycamore tree (Platanus racemosa). Marjan Kluepfel, Former HGIC Horticulture Information Specialist, Clemson UniversityJanet McLeod Scott, Former Horticulture Information Specialist, Clemson UniversityJames H. Blake, EdD, Extension Associate/Adjunct Professor, Dept. However, due to its vast growth, its generally unsuitable for residential backyards and gardens. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Leaf blight or defoliation early in the summer. Irregular, dark brown to purple spots one-eighth to one-fourth inch in diameter on the upper leaf surface. Avoid injuring the tree. The two unique identifying features of sycamore trees are their exfoliating thin bark that gives the tree a patchy look, and their round seed balls or pods that contain downy tufts of seeds. However, large yearly infestations combined with drought conditions can cause deadly damage to your tree, so watch your tree carefully! Also called the Oriental planetree, Old World sycamore trees are fast-growing, large deciduous trees with a huge spreading crown. Sycamore is an easy tree to propagate using hardwood cuttings collected during the late winter. Read on for information on sycamore tree problems. She has a Bachelor of Arts in philosophy and is an avid gardener and sports fan. There is no control only prevention, by avoiding wounding the tree. It is not from the true sycamore tree varieties. Anthracnose is caused by the fungus Apiognomonia venata; symptoms include brown, dead areas on leaves, twig blight, leaf drop, diminished health, the presence of cankers (sunken areas) and eventual tree death. Mexican sycamore trees are large, fast-growing trees with flaky bark and lobed maple-like leaves. The trigger of SBD is the mould fungus Cryptostroma (C.) corticale. Another common disease of sycamore trees is powdery mildew fungus. As much as possible, these predators should be allowed to reduce lace bug populations. Damage to trees is typically not serious, but heavy infestations can reduce growth. A unique education agency, the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service teaches Texans wherever they live, extending research-based knowledge to benefit their families and communities. Sycamore Anthracnose A fungal disease that infects sycamore trees in the United States, sycamore anthracnose (Gnomonia leptostyla) is seldom fatal but disfigures and weakens the tree, making it a likely target for other deadly diseases or damaging pests. Stain patterns are radial, generally reaching the pith. Symptoms tend to begin with older leaves on a branch and then develop in younger leaves. Diseased trees often show a canopy of healthy leaves, as the anthracnose fungus is most severe in lower portions of the tree. Seeds of sycamore are known as " helicopters " because of their wings that rotate similar to helicopter's propellers on the wind. One of the most common problems is root rot, caused by poor drainage or soil compaction. Sycamore trees and maple trees have leaves that look similar. It can be treated with fungicides. Fresh spores are produced in Spring, these have a sticky coating. Call in a professional for larger trees. A single attack seldom causes harm but if the tree is infected several years in succession it will weaken a tree, making it susceptible to borer attack and winter injury. This can cause leaves to fall off the tree too early. Tan, dead areas expand along leaf veins. If the infection is severe enough to risk damage to property, the tree should be removed. Diseases. Known as sycamore maple in North America, sycamore in the UK, and Bergahorn in German. Arborists from Stewarts Tree Servicetreat sycamore trees with top quality products to help get rid of scale. Prune out dead and dying branches below the cankers. The fungus, when introduced into seedlings, produces symptoms including sudden wilting and browning of leaves, sudden blighting of twigs forming shepherds crooks, yellow discoloration, and defoliation. Lace Bugs; Sycamore Twig . Mexican sycamore trees are smaller than American sycamore and grow to between 40 and 50 ft. (12 15 m) with a trunk of 7 ft. (2 m) in diameter. Sycamores have thin, peeling reddish-brown bark and seed balls that drop in spring. Copyright 2006 - 2022 Stewarts Lawn Tree & Pest Service. The dark surface mycelium can usually be rubbed off with the fingers. The wood begins to rot, weakening the internal structure of the tree. Spores (reproductive structures) from the fungus are spread by rain and wind to healthy leaves, buds, and twigs. (See section on Mushroom Root Rot), Cotton Root Rot (fungus Phymatotrichum omnivorum): (See section on Cotton Root Rot). The reddish-brown or bluish-black discoloration of the wood, in cross section behind the cankers, is the most distinctive symptom. Sign up to get all the latest gardening tips! Fungal diseases currently affecting the sycamore As a result of more frequent periods of drought and heat, as well as the introduction of invasive exotic species, the maple genus is becoming increasingly susceptible to pathogens. Sycamore leaves have three or five lobes and are light green to dark green. Active fungal growth within one-year-old twigs . One tree produces up to 10,000 seeds per season. Preventing powdery mildew fungus requires taking steps to keep your sycamore trees healthy and well-watered throughout the year. Department of Plant Pathology & Microbiology. Ceratocystis canker primarily spreads via wounds. Shoot or foliar diseases: The shoot or foliar disease is one of the most common tree disease caused by fungus. This sycamore species tolerates heat better than American sycamores. The first symptoms, sudden browning of single leaves or clusters, may be confused with late frost injury. Inspecting leaves every week for signs of the insects will help to control sycamore lace bugs. The American sycamore tree (Platanus occidentalis) grows mainly in the eastern and central parts of United States. a fungicide can be applied in late summer to protect leaves. Use preventive fungicides when the tree begins to sprout new leaves. It can be very difficult to treat, but it doesn't typically kill mature, established trees. There are deep notches between the leaf lobes. This article is a complete guide to species of sycamore trees. The following spring, they produce a second kind of spore that causes more infection. Identify sycamore trees by their bark: Sycamore tree bark is smooth without fissuring. Garden implements also carry spores that spread diseases. Leaves are dwarfed and sparse in part or all of the tree top. It also produces a long-necked, pear-shaped, sexual fruiting structure. However, it is possible that you experience problems with sycamore trees. Sycamore trees grow best in deep, moist, rich soils. The death of a branch will often result in the production of many small shoots in the area just below the girdled portion of the branch, giving that part of the tree a bushy appearance that is referred to as a witchs broom. Other types of scale bugs (called armored scales) form hard shells around their bodies to protect themselves from insect control sprays and other threats. Other pests include caterpillars, slugs, and snails which feed on plant parts such as flowers or fruit. fungicide injection (described under anthracnose) gives some powdery mildew control. This defoliation will not kill an otherwise healthy tree unless it repeatedly occurs over several years. Various foliar pathogens frequently affect sycamore including leaf spot (Cristularia depraedans) and tar spot (Rhytisma acerinum) but all are considered conspicuous but relatively unimportant.Potentially more damaging are sooty bark (Cryptostroma corticale), Phytophthora and Verticillium wilt.Sooty bark disease becomes evident after episodes of prolonged hot weather . Be applied in late summer, small, pinhead-sized black structures may develop the. On each of the wood, in cross section behind the cankers that are shoestring... 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sycamore tree fungus